Nov 2018 Ministering Handouts
Hi everyone! Hope you are having a beautiful fall day in your neck of the woods. Can you believe that it’s already time for the Nov 2018 Ministering Handouts!
These are for help in ministering, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
This month I wanted to concentrate on Gratitude. The talk that I based this handout on, is from Elder Utchdorf, titled ” Grateful in Any Circumstances”
You can click on the link above to read the talk in it’s entirety.
“Grateful in Any Circumstances”speaks to my heart at this time. We have had some pretty serious health issues in our family that have been very difficult to deal with. We are all trying our very best to keep a good attitude and to have faith.
When I read this article it touched my heart and I have come to realize that there are so many around me that are also dealing with difficult things.
One of the tender mercies that my husband and I have seen, is all of the wonderful, sweet support that we have received from family and friends all around us!!!
What a blessing that is to our family.
Above all, we will have faith and keep going and strive to be Grateful in Any Circumstances!Here is the message handout.
To print as a jpeg image, right click over the image. Go to Save Image As, then save in a folder. You can print from there.
As always, my printables are for personal use only. They are not for re-sale!Here is the blank one, for those of you that would like to translate. Or for those of you that need a fun card, invite or note!
Here is also a fun little tag, if you want to tie it to a fun treat, game, or trinket!
And, the blank tag!
For those of you that would like the PDF download, simply click on the link(s) below:
1.Nov 2018 Ministering handout
2.Nov 2018 Ministering handout-blank
3.Nov 2018 Ministering handout-tag
4.Nov 2018 Ministering handout-tag-blank
I thought it would be fun to do a game for this month.
Click on this link to: My Computer is my Canvas
You will find many cute games there to purchase that you can simply print and cut out! I have used this site many times. She has so many cute ideas! There is also some church “Seek It” games that could be used any time of the year.Put them in a fun organza bag that you can find at any craft store in the wedding department. And you have a fun little gift!
You could tie this tag to the bag, or simply tie it to some other treat. It is just a bonus tag this month!!!
So this is my Nov 2018 Ministering Handouts. I hope that you enjoy them.
As always, please remember that the sisters you minister to, are more important than the handout! Make sure that they know how much you love and care about them!
Thanks for Visiting…Happy Ministering!
Images are used with a CU license from Just So Scrappy.

So sorry to hear about health issues. May God watch over all of you!
Mary, Thank you so much! Your comment means so much to me! Happy Ministering!
You my dear sister always show such a gracious spirit. Thank you yet again for the ideas.
Amy, Thank you so much for your kind comment and for your sweet support! Both mean the world to me. Happy Ministering!
I hope you and your family are feeling well soon! Thank you for the ministering inspiration, but more importantly the inspiration you give by the way you endure your trials.
Jennifer, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind, sweet message. We are all trying to endure with faith. Sometimes it is very difficult, but yet I feel the Lord’s hand in my life and he is carrying me along! We are so grateful for all the blessings that we have and we know that there are so many out there that are having difficult things too. We just have to keep going forward and remember all that the Savior has done for us! Hope you have a wonderful day…Happy Ministering!
I have just come upon your wonderful site…Thank you so much for your inspiration, really love them. I pray your health issues will be resolved and you will find many blessings!
JoAnn, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. Welcome to my blog, I hope you will visit often. Thank you for your prayer, we are all trying to go forward with faith and sometimes it is very difficult, but with the Lord’s help we will all get through it somehow. Hope you have a wonderful day…Happy ministering!
Rita – So very sorry to hear about the health issues that are afflicting your family. And yet you still share your wonderful creative talents with us! You have blessed so many with your generosity. I pray that the Lord will bless you.
Allie, Thank you so much for your comment and your prayers. I appreciate them both. We are trying hard to keep going forward with faith, but some days are more difficult than others. I appreciate your taking the time to write your comment. Hope you have a wonderful day…Happy Ministering!
Rita, your handout makes my heart happy because of the message and the colors! Funny how colors can make a gal happy. Absolutely beautiful!! Your family is in my prayers.
Jill, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your kindness and your prayers!! Happy Ministering!
Thank you so much for time wonderful work you are doing, I am non creative person, and your ideas help a lot.
Victoria, thank you so much. That means a lot to me that you took the time to write your kind comment. Happy Visiting!
Thank you for having a free printable to use. What a blessing you are!
Autumn, You are welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your sweet words and your support. Happy Ministering!