I thought that I would make a Thanksgiving worksheet placemat for those of you that have little ones or those of you that have little grandchildren…but when I got looking at some of the ones out there on the web, I decided to just do a round-up of ideas because there are so many darling placemats already out there!
These are perfect for keeping the little ones entertained while you are busy getting all food ready for the big meal. If you have a few older kids, let them be in charge of helping the little ones. You could have little prizes or treats to help them get more excited.
Here are several different placemat ideas from: In God’s Economy. There are several ideas that are great from young to old.
Here is a fun coloring page, centerpiece, or napkin ring from Alpha Mom
This link also has several different ideas for placemats. I like the word search on this one! Cheerios and Lattes
Here is a darling paper doll collection that both the girls and the boys would love! It is from A Lovely Lark
Or this fun Thanksgiving Bingo from The Crafting Chicks!
And if I have not given you enough ideas yet…just Google it and you will find many, many more!
Hope you can find a fun idea to help your little ones enjoy this wonderful holiday of giving thanks!
Thanks for visiting today, and let’s all be grateful this beautiful fall day!

Thanks again for sharing such cute ideas for our grandkids to do on Thanksgiving, besides asking “when is dinner ready”. Wish you a wonderful weekend.