It is Thursday once again, so it is time for my Thursday’s Thought!
I loved this thought the first time I ever saw it and I think that it sums up how I feel! If you have your loved ones around you, you pretty much have everything!
This is formatted to an 8 x 10 size for anyone that would like to print it. It would also be a great gift to frame it!
I don’t know about you, but I cannot believe how quickly the month of May is disappearing! With all the end of the school year activities, ballgames, and dance recitals etc, etc, etc, it seems like it is always such a busy month. Before we know it school will be out and we will be in the full swing of summer! I love summer and the warm weather and being outside for BBQ’s, s’mores, fireworks, parades and all of the flowers everywhere! So I say, bring SUMMER on!
Hope you have a great Thursday and that you have learned that being with those you love is enough also!
Thanks for visiting!