I am so happy to announce that it is Christmas in May!?
I decided right after Christmas last year that I was going to make these two quilts for gifts for this year. I went out and got the fabric last January and I have slowly been working on them during some of our weekend trips up to our cabin, and they are now finished and I can put them away until Christmas!
This quilt is for my MIL. I can show you and tell you about it now, because they do not have a computer in their home so they are not going to see this! :)
This is the one for my Father-in-law.
I love how quickly these quilts come together and even though they are a pieced quilt, you can sew a top together in a weekend!
The pattern is called Star Quilt and it is by Country Threads. You can order it here. I love this quilt, because it is pieced, and looks like you went to a lot of work, but yet it is so easy to put together because the pieces are quite large.
I put a fleece back on them. I love this polka dot one! The other quilt just has a solid forest green on the back of it. The fleece makes these so warm and fun to cuddle in during those cold wintery nights.
So here are “His and Hers”
Don’t they look good together?
All ready to wrap and put away for a few more months (thank goodness!)
You can see the other quilts that I made last Christmas, from this same pattern, here.
I had a little incentive to get these quilts done because I wanted to practice my quilting skills a little more. I have a table top quilt that is embroidered and appliqued and I am very nervous to start quilting it for fear that I cannot do it justice, but I am afraid that I am just going to have to bite the bullet and get started on it! I am not going to learn if I just don’t try, right?
I am thrilled to have these two gifts done. I never get my Christmas done early, so this seems like a great start for this year. I know that I will still be doing things last minute… because I always do, but for right now I think that I will hum “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” just for a little while. :)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thanks for visiting!

Congratulations! You have done well. I know what you mean about being happy these are finished. One of my favorite quotes is: ‘If it weren’t for the last minute, a lot of things wouldn’t get done.’ It drove my MIL crazy! Oh, well… it’s so true.
My daughter has made quilts from this pattern. It IS easy and very stunning! I think I will try it for a few baby gifts I need… all of a sudden… to make! Oh, oh… it’s that last minute again!
I am with you all the way with your quote. That usually describes me to a “T”. I hope that you get your baby quilts done. I think that pattern would be darling for a baby quilt!
Happy Mother’Day ,I wish the best Days wishes for you .Thank you
Fariba, Thank you so much! That was really kind of you to think of me for Mothers Day! I wish the very best for you also!
I’ve seen this pattern around and I really admire it. I’ll have to make it. Love the fabrics you chose and you are really smart to make it ahead of time like this. Now you won’t have any last minute stress. I found you via classy clutter link up. Nice to find another quilt lover.
Michal, thanks for your kind comment. This really is an easy pattern, you should try it! :)
Have a great day from one quilt lover to another!
I just have to let you know how much I enjoy your site! I come and visit it every day and it always puts a smile on my face. Thank-you for taking the time to post your activities, ideas, and thoughts! have a Great day:)
Barb, thank you so much for taking the time to write your comment. I really appreciate your support and your kindness! I hope that you have a great Memorial Day weekend!