Happy Monday Everyone! I hope that you are having a great day on this Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I am just recuperating from a fun, whirlwind weekend with 5 of my darling grandkids! I know why you raise your own children while you are young! :) We had a great time together and hopefully they had a fun time!
Today I have a fun Valentine Table Quilt that I want to show you!
I went up to one of my local quilt shops (Just Sew) to buy one thing and came out with all the fabric to make this darling Valentine Table Quilt! The owner of the shop, just gave me the directions on how to make this, so I regret that I do not have a pattern that I can link you to for this project. I cannot even tell you how to make it, but the owner said that she was maybe going to do a tutorial on this pattern, so if she does, I will link it up!The squares for this quilt are from a charm pack, so they are all cut out! This Moda charm pack is called “First Crush” by Sweetwater. I bought extra red fabric for the diamonds in the center and black and red fabric for the two borders. The binding is a black checked fabric.
The fabric for the back is this darling tic-tac-toe print! I love all the word fabrics in this line and the fun heart prints. It just makes me happy! :)
Here is a close-up of one of the diamonds. It is sewn into the quilt, and then I hand sewed all of the edges in to give it the curved edges. I quilted all around the diamonds, but not inside of them so they are puffed up! I did an all-over loopy pattern with a few hearts thrown in on the quilting.
Here is my Valentine Table Quilt on my kitchen table and I love that every time I walk by I can see these fun prints and remember that it is the season of LOVE!
I have really been sewing quite a bit these last few weeks and I love that my mother taught me the art of sewing and quilting. Of course my mother used to hand quilt all of her quilts and I use a machine, but I am so glad that she took the time to teach me not only how to sew, but how to do it the right way!
I tend a couple of my grandkids on a regular basis while my daughter works, but during the Christmas break, we had a change up of kids one day and I ended up with two of my granddaughters for the day…guess what we did?…We sewed! We went to a fabric store and I let them pick out the fabric. We got a t-shirt to go with them and some fuzzy socks. We went home and cut out pj bottoms and they sewed them up real quick. I sewed the hems on the bottoms and the casing, but they each sewed the seams and threaded the elastic through the casings.The oldest granddaughter also added a pocket to her t-shirt. She is quite the little designer! She bought this particular fabric, because it had square patterns on it and she knew that she wanted a matching pocket to go on hers! The other granddaughter found a fun owl iron-on to go on her shirt.
We had a fun day and the girls have worn their pj’s several times! I am so glad that they enjoy sewing and that I can teach them the art of sewing! We will always have that fun bond together!
Do you have something that you and your kids or grandkids love to do together? What a wonderful way to make precious memories!
Thanks for Visiting. Happy Monday!

Hi, Rita: I LOVE your valentine quilt. Can you tell me the pattern name?
Rita – Sorry, obviously I did not pay close attention to your post! You don’t have a pattern! Thank you for posting your cute quilt!
Judy, Hopefully there will be a tutorial on how to make this quilt soon, because you could use any charm pack and make a table quilt for any holiday or season. You could also just do a table quilt with the charm pack, but not add the diamonds to the middle. Hope you have a great day. Rita