Sometimes the “hurrier” I go the “behinder” I get!
We did a Relief Society Activity at my house last night, so I am a little bit late in getting this posted this morning! I will tell you all about our activity next week, it was a great activity in which we made our 72 hour food kits!
But for today, here is my Thursday “Thanksgiving” Thought.
For some reason, which is good, I have a very thankful heart this season! I am grateful for my family, friends, health and freedom, just to name a very few. I am grateful for a husband who supports me in everything I do. He is my best friend, confidante, supporter and also the biggest tease!
Today, take just a few seconds and look around you at all the blessings that you enjoy, start counting them and soon you will have a very grateful heart too!
Have a grateful day today! Love Ya!
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Your work brings me much joy. Thanks for sharing.
Jackie, thank you so much for your kind comment. I really appreciate your taking the time to write. Have a happy day!