Have you ever tried a Rosemary Grilled Cheese Sandwich?
Holy Smokes Batman…I think that I have come up with my new favorite sandwich! I went to lunch with my dad last week and we love to go to Kneader’s. I bought a loaf of rosemary bread while we were there and I gave him a few slices and I took the rest home. It makes wonderful toast and it is great with a lot of meals, but with just my husband and I, we weren’t eating it very fast, so one night for dinner I decided to use it to make a Rosemary Grilled Cheese Sandwich!!! Genius! Why have they not made these in any restaurants? My husband and I both fell in love with the wonderful flavors going on in this simple classic sandwich! This different spin on a very classic sandwich gives it a delightful grown-up taste! I served it with a bowl of tomato soup and it was a delicious meal!
All you need to make this wonderful grown-up version is a loaf of Rosemary bread. They sell it at Kneader’s Restaurant and there is a little specialty store called, Meirers Meats and Fine Foods, that is close by my house that also makes a wonderful rosemary bread! I know that there are several stores that make rosemary bread, so find one near you…or if you are really ambitious you could make your own rosemary bread!
I had a couple of slices of rosemary bread left over from this loaf, so I toasted the bread and made tuna salad sandwiches! The rosemary bread just sends these sandwiches over the top! I have two wonderful versions of two classic sandwiches that gives them a grown-up taste! I think that I am in Love!
Do any of you have something that you have made with rosemary bread…if so I would love to hear about them!
Thanks for visiting today! Have a great one!