I saw this darling idea on Pinterest and just had to make it. I think they called it a “Mumkin!”All you do is hollow out a pumpkin. Make the hole in the top big enough to put your pot of flowers in. After I cleaned out all the guts, (which, by the way, you will want to clean and save all of those seeds, because I have a yummy recipe for roasted pumpkin seeds coming tomorrow!) I filled up my pumpkin with water and added a litle bit of bleach to it. I let the water run over the edges and down the outside of the pumpkin. This helps the pumpkin not rot as fast. Empty the bleach water and let the pumpkin dry out for awhile. Add your potted plant and a cute bow and waala, you’ve got a darling “Mumkin!”
Make sure that you take the pot out of the pumpkin to water it and let it drain good before putting it back in. I am also going to spray bleach/water to the inside of the pumpkin when I take the pot out to water. I have heard that your pumpin should last about 2 weeks by doing this. Then when my pumpkin has finally wilted too much, I will just hollow out a new pumpkin to put my pot in!
Add some pretty gourds around it and you have a fun fall arrangement!
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Happy fall y’all!