I thought that the message this month was so good, that I wanted to incorporate the whole thing into this month’s handout. I came up with this cute library pocket holding 3 tags with the message, “If We Do Not Doubt”. It is tradition in our house to make chocolate, carmel apples to take for a treat in Oct. I will be doing that again this year, but I will post the how-to on the apples later! So just imagine that this is given with an apple tied up with a cute ribbon!
You need to cut out the library pocket, the 3 tags and the front panel. Fold the library pocket and the flaps. Do not worry about the line across the front of the card, it will be covered up with the front panel.
Fold the flaps to the back of the pocket.
And glue or use double sided tape to hold the flaps down.
Next, glue or tape the front panel on.
Punch a hole in the top of the three tags and tie together with some cute ribbon.
And there you have it! Like I said, I will give this with a carmel apple, but you could also just insert a candy bar into the pocket!
Here are the printables for this month. Just right click on your mouse and either copy and paste into your favorite program, or just click print picture. The two printable pages are in 81/2 x 11 format.
Happy Visiting!