I have seen several posts lately on how to organize your fridge and the minute I saw the first one… it was one of those ah ha moments for me! Why have I never thought of this?
I have never liked my fridge. It is a side by side and I secretly keep hoping that it will go out on me so that I can get a new one! (Don’t tell my husband!) It just has poor storage space! The freezer is so narrow that a frozen pizza would not even fit in it. Not that I really ever buy frozen pizzas, but if I did, it would have to go in my freezer out in the garage! There is no way the bulk stuff from Costco would ever fit in there!
Today you are getting the KEEPING IT REAL version of my fridge! Sorry.
I have everything just thrown in here and there is no rhyme nor reason to any of it! There are a lot of leftovers which is crazy of me to keep anymore. I do not have any kids at home to eat any leftovers anymore, so why do I keep them? Beats Me.
The door is packed as full as I could possibly get it! Again no rhyme nor reason. :(
By simply adding these pull out bins that I got at Wal-Mart, I was able to organize and clean up everything! I labeled them with my label maker so that anyone who opens my fridge will know where to put things back! :) I did a bin for cheeses- all kinds of cheeses, a bin for syrups and jams, one for dairy which includes sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, half and half etc. Then I labeled one Salad Toppings which has my pine nuts, slivered almonds, grated parmesan, etc and there is still room in there for a specialty bottle of salad dressing. I put a small Tupperware bin on the bottom that is labeled lunches, it has lunch meat and tortillas.
I love how organized my fridge looks now. It has been over a week since I cleaned it, I bought my weeks worth of groceries and they all fit in the bins and it has stayed just like the picture! I am so happy! I got rid of the old food and now I can see exactly what I have in each bin because it pulls out like a drawer! I think that this will really help save on the grocery bill and hopefully there will be a lot less waste because I can see everything and will know what needs to be used up.
In the before picture of the fridge, I had all my condiments on the bottom shelf in a big mumble jumble mess. Now I have each drawer divided by shelves, like sandwich condiments, salad dressing, meat and steak sauces and everything now has a place!
Oh My!!! Really?
This is bad and I had no idea what was even in there! I applied the same drawers to the freezer and I am just so totally pleased with how organized it is and the fact that I can find everything!
I did one bin with meats and another bin with breads-waffles, muffins, English muffins etc. Because there are just my husband and I at home, I need to freeze most of our breads because we just don’t eat it fast enough. But at least now I can see what I have and can plan accordingly! The very bottom drawer has frozen fruits and veggies.
I am so happy now! :) I just can’t believe that it took me this long to figure out how easy it is to organize a fridge!
So do any of you have any great organizing tips? I would love to hear them. I think that I am on a bit of a roll and I need to keep going with my organizing while I still have the bug, because I know it won’t last for long! :)
Have a Great Monday Everyone and go organize something-it will make you happy too!
Love Ya!
Please keep in touch…like and share on facebook and visit me on pinterest!

I love this and the post you linked to gave me a great idea of how to help my mornings go smoother with having all the kids lunch items in one bin. If you don’t mind me asking which area in Walmart did you find your bins, I would love to get some.
I found them on the isle with the kitchen storage, like the food tupperware, dish draining racks, etc.
A BIG thanks! I found them and my fridge is more organized and functional then ever.
Lol Rita! Your freezer was hysterical, especially that random cup hanging out in there! If I showed you my freezer you would think I was a bachelor. It’s just the two of us and I usually shop a couple of times a week. We eat out on weekends and usuallyngo to our cabin so it’s pretty empty in there except for some ice cream that I’m about to go get right now so thanks for reminding me. NOT! ;)
You did an excellent job organizing your fridge! I have a new weekly link party which is live now and I would love if you stop by and link up this wonderful post! Hope to see you there! http://mariaelenasdecor.blogspot.com/ Hugs, Maria
Thanks for commenting and for the invite!
Great job! Love how you got your refrigerator organized. TFS
Was just googling for a way to re-organize my freezer and your post came up. Those pull-out bins are genius – I’m going looking for those tonight at Walmart. I haven’t seen any with handles like that, which is the best part. I suppose maybe I should go measure how deep my freezer is first though…with my luck, they won’t fit!
Lindsey, good luck with organizing your freezer! It is good to measure your freezer first, to make sure that you are using your space to the best advantage.