I am still busy cleaning and dejunking. I have been working in my closet in the bedroom. I have filled 3 big garbage bags full of clothes, shoes, belts, etc. to donate. I am determined to clean my closet before I put any of my new clothes in there! Tomorrow I will clean off the shelves and the built in drawers and then I will be done with my closet and I hope to continue throughout my whole house throughout the next few weeks.
I have been searching the web for different sites with helpful hints. One of my favorite sites is Flylady.net She has some great ideas and encourages “baby steps” which I like. She has a journal that you can make to keep yourself organized and you can even join her email and she will send you an email every day of what to do that day. The one thing that is her trademark is to shine your kitchen sink every night before you go to bed, so that when you wake up in the morning you will have one thing that is clean and ready for you to start the day! I really like that and I know that when I do it, I feel better about the day knowing that I do not need to start my day by do dishes.
A book that my DIL told me about is: The Joy of Less. This is a minimalist living guide. It is a good guide for dejunking, although she is a little extreme in some of her thinking, (I guess I’m not a true minimalist because I like my stuff too much!) But there are some great ideas and steps to getting rid of your stuff, and the book goes through every room in your house and tells you how to go about cleaning out each room.
There is another blog called My Simpler Life that has a calendar for 2012 with something every day that you can clean. You can download it and use it to get yourself organized.
What are some of your best organizing tips? I would love for you to leave a comment and tell me what works for you!