Do you need one last Christmas gift idea? These Orange You Glad It’s Christmas Jars are perfect for anyone on your Christmas list!You can personalize these jars to fit the need of anyone on your list! I made several of these for our parents and a few friends.
I saw this idea from One Good Thing by Jillee and fell in love with this concept. After you have used all the fun things in the jar, you still have a fun storage jar to use however you would like. Win/win!
Buy a fun glass jar. These were found at good old Walmart for about $6 or so. Find all the orange treats, drinks, goodies, toys, gift cards, jewelry, lotion or trinket that will fit inside the jar.
They are fun to put together and you should not have trouble finding orange things this time of year. Now, if it were Halloween time that might be different!Here is a close up of one of the jars.
What can you think of that you would add to this fun jar?
Of course you need a fun little tag to go along with this Orange jar:
This is formatted to fit on a 4 x 6 photo card. It is not the full length of the card, so you will have to cut off the bottom. But it is a nice big tag and only one will fit on a card.
To print as a jpeg, right click over the image. Then go to “Save image as” and save in a file. You can then print from the file.
For those of you that would like the PDF download, simply click on the link below:
So that is my last minute gift idea for you! Orange You Glad It’s Christmas Jars.
Do you have any last minute ideas that you are working on?
We had our family Christmas party last Sunday and I had to have everything done then…so this week has been delightful and relaxing! Why don’t I do this every year?????
Hope you are getting all your holiday preparations all “wrapped” up!
Thanks for Visiting!

What a cute idea!
Good enough to use use year round.
I’ll definitely be putting this concept to use!
Thanks for sharing.
Peggy, Yes it would be great for just about any occasion! Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I loved hearing from you. Happy Holidays!