Hi everyone, here is my first project post since my accident! I want to thank everyone again for all of your kind, sweet comments and for your support, they both mean the world to me!
Obviously, this project was finished before my injury, but it is one that I have thoroughly enjoyed while I have been recuperating!
My husband took this old door out of a house that was being demolished a couple of years ago and it has been sitting in my garage for that long. I knew that I wanted it for out in my yard, but it took me this long to figure out what to do with it. I was trying to decide what color to paint it, and my friend Jackie, is the one that gave me the idea to do a chalkboard in the center! I immediately fell in love with the idea!
I put this door in the corner by my table and I love what a fun accent it is to my yard! It was a simple project to do…I simply brushed the inside with chalkboard paint, then when it had dried a cured for a few days, I taped the inside and painted the outside with a butter yellow exterior paint! Such a simple idea, but a fun one! I wired the doorknob on the back to the railing so that it is secured and cannot fall over on anyone! As you can see, we decorated it for the 4th of July. Some of the grandkids had a great time helping me, I wrote the words and they did all of the rest of the decorating!
Didn’t they do a great job? What kid does not love to doodle with chalk?
My daughter did this “Welcome Summer” sign. Like I said kids of all ages love to doodle on a chalkboard, because if you don’t like how part of it turns out, you just erase it off and keep going!
This would also be a fun project to do on a door that you have in your home! Your kids or grandkids would love it!
I can see all kinds of fun sayings going on this chalkboard and I also have a fun project coming up that will go with this door! So stay tuned for that one.
Thanks for visiting today! I appreciate all of you and your support that you give!
Have a Happy Day!

Yay! Glad you’re back. I really love your printables when you make them. Praying for a quick recovery.
Thank you so much, I am glad to be back!
Nice to have you back – missed you!
Thank you…I am so glad to be back!
I just found your blog through the Wonderful Wednesday blog hop and I have to say I love it! This door idea is adorable!
Thanks Jenessa, I hope that you will come back again!
Oh my gosh, I love the door! Glad you’re getting better :)
So glad your feeling better!
Thank you! I can feel my strength coming back a little bit more every day. I am very blessed and I count my many blessings!
I was smiling when I saw that you were back today with a blog. Once again, I wish a complete and speedy recovery for you and send a hug and all best wishes to you. I love being a part of your life through your blog site. You are so amazing!
Gwen, thank you so much for your love and support. It means the world to me! Have a happy day!
Precious idea, but Darn, I don’t have a door. :o) I’d also have to purchase the paint and colored chalk. I would love to do this!!! If I ever got a door, mine wouldn’t have to wait around for an idea to pop into my head, you’ve given me your idea
Happy your back, your blog is one of my faves.
Don’t forget to check whether PT would be of benefit.
So Cute!!