Today I would like to do something that I have not done before and that is to do a tribute to my dear hubby. These are the beautiful roses that he sent to the house, they smell sooo good and they look so beautiful. When they arrived they were these tight little buds and they have opened up and released the most beautiful scent!We had red roses for our wedding almost 36 years ago and I still love them today!
My husband is my Best Friend,
my confidante,
my sounding board,
my cheerleader,
He instills confidence,
makes me feel beautiful,
is a great provider,
has a very soft heart, in a tough, rugged exterior,
is a wonderful father and Grandfather,
has a listening ear,
is very understanding,
patience is something he needs to work on, but don’t we all?
he encourages me,
he has great faith and wisdom,
he is strong,
he is gentle,
he is handsome!
And he is an avid hunter,( I don’t know that I love that as much as I love his passion for this sport!)
I could go on and on, but I don’t want to get too sappy!
So I will say that I love him very much and I am so glad he is mine…
Happiness is being married to your Best Friend!
Happy Valentines Day!