Every year we have a little tradition that my boys hate, but that I love! It is the hauling of all the Christmas decorations from the basement to the main floor! I have so many totes of decorations that it is crazy, but I love to decorate and at Christmas time, I do several rooms in my house!
All of these boxes go in my kitchen! Plus I have two little trees that are already decorated, that I put in the adjacent dining room.
Just keeping it real here folks!
This is my main entry, where I have a Santa Claus collection and my Nativity collections.
This is the living room. My youngest son put up the tree for me, since I cannot even lift it! His cute little new wife said to me “How does all of this even fit into your house, and how long does it take to put it all up?” I just smiled. My son replied that I would have it all done by Thanksgiving when they are all coming for dinner, and he is right it takes me 3-4 days to get it all put out. I also have a tree in my bedroom and decorations out on the front porch. So yes, I am a little bit obsessed! OK, maybe I am a lot obsessed!(The kids wanted to put some ornaments on the tree, but we just put the one big Santa ornament on, because I have to straighten all the branches out and get all the lights plugged in right first!)
It was kind of fun this year because most of the grandkids wanted to help haul the boxes up and it made it a lot faster. Even my boys were excited, because they know that it is not too many more years and their children can just take over with this fun little tradition! And I would absolutely love it.
These pictures are the before and I will do a little house tour after Thanksgiving with the after. How’s that?