My best friend from Jr. High school and I went shopping a couple of weeks ago to look for flowers and antique shopping and I got this beautiful succulent planter! I will put it outside when the weather is just a little bit warmer, but for now I am enjoying it in my kitchen!I got the bird plate at Home Goods and my kitchen scale is from World Market. I am loving this little kitchen vignette!
I got this planter from “Diamonds Greenhouse” in Springville, Utah. I had never been to this greenhouse, but they have lovely plants and the people that work there were all so nice and helpful! If you live anywhere in the area, you should check them out!
I love the plant with the pink tipped leaves. It makes my heart sing! The best thing about succulents, is that they are very low maintenance and they stay beautiful all year long!This is what it looks like in the day time when the candle is not lit. This is a battery-operated candle that goes on automatically. I love that it just glows at night and looks so pretty in my kitchen when all the lights are out!
My friend and I went shopping again yesterday! We went to get the flowers for our pots that we are planting. It is just a little bit early to plant…but I figure that if it gets really cold at night, I can always cover my pots, that is pretty easy to do. I have a lot of shaded areas in my yard, so I have to go with shade plants for the most part. But there are some beautiful flowers to pick from…so I don’t usually have a hard time finding things…as you can see!This will be a good start! I know that I will be going back for more, but I plant so many pots that it is hard to think of everything that I need, so I just get a bunch and plant them and then go back for more different plants. It is crazy, I know, but it works for me! :)
I got this antique ladder the first time my friend and I went shopping, then yesterday I found these two watering cans! I will wire them to the ladder and then plant flowers in each can. I still need to find a couple more containers for the other two steps, but I have a couple of things in mind that I could use. I cannot wait to get this all planted up!
I get a little bit crazy this time of year in wanting to plant and my friend and I were discussing why we did this to ourselves…because we are just making more work for ourselves! But it is so beautiful in the summer and I just absolutely LOVE flowers! So as long as I can keep up with it all, I will keep planting! :)
What are your favorite flowers to plant? What are your favorite shade flowers, since I have so much shade, I would love to hear what grows good for you in the shade!
Thanks for Visiting! Hope you have a Happy Day!
I have a tutorial on how to plant pots if any of you are wondering what is the best way to do them. You need “fillers, thrillers, and spillers.” If you are a beginner in planting pots you will want to check this out before you go buy your plants. It will help you decide which plants you need to get!