Jan 2021 Ministering Handout

Jan 2021 Ministering Handout

Well we did it… we made it through 2020!

Hope everyone is doing well and that you are ready for a new year.  I learned a lot of things in 2020 that I hope I can carry forward with me from here on out.  They were hard things at first, but then I recognized many of them as my blessings.  My prayer is that each of you can say the same.

Whenever a new year starts,  a lot of us think of resolutions or goals that we can set to improve a certain area of our life.  I am the same.  But this year I hope that I can set goals that will help me to maintain my sense of un-busyness!  That was one of the main things that I learned last year…is that I did a lot of things that were not necessary or even needed!  This gal is loving the slower, simpler, down to basics life!  And it is good to focus on those things that matter the most!  What was one of the lessons that you learned from 2020?

To start this new year, I chose this quote from Elder Uchtdorf because I like the thought of BECOMING. 

“…good intentions are not enough.  We must do.  Even more importantly we must become what Heavenly Father wants us to be.”

Here is the message card.  To print as a jpeg image, right click over the image.  Go to “save image as” then save in a folder of your choice.  You can  print from there or send it out to your favorite photo processing center.  The cards are formatted to a 4 x 6 size.

As always, my images are for personal use only.  They are not for resale!
This blank card is for those of you that would like to translate.  Or if you are in need of a cute note, invite, card or handout.  You can simply add your own text to make it what you want!

For those of you that would like the PDF download, simply click on the link(s) below:

1. Jan 2021 Ministering handout

2. Jan 2021 Ministering handout-blankThis is a fun idea for the new year…to make a magnetic bookmark!  They are easy to make and do not require a lot of supplies or skill.All you need to do is cut a piece of scrapbook paper  to the size you want.  For this particular bookmark I cut my paper 8 x 2″.  The rounded corners are nice, but you do not have to do that if you don’t have a corner rounder punch.  Fold the book mark in half and add magnets to both inside ends.  Glue another paper on top of the magnets cut to 1.5 x 3.5″.  I just used a plain solid paper so the recipient could write notes about the book, or jot a thought or quote they liked!

For the outside of the bookmark, let your imagination go wild.  Cut pictures out of old cards, tags or print ephemera from your computer.  Google free printable junk journal ephremera for a ton of ideas!  Add lace, buttons, bling, old book pages, string or whatever you have around the house.  These are fun to personalize or to mass produce!I found a cute little notebook/journal and tied the bookmark to the front of it.  (I found the notebooks at Seagull book)

But as always… the handout is not the important thing!  The sisters you minister to are!  Make sure they know how much you love and care about them!

So there is my Jan 2021 Ministering Handout.  I hope you enjoy.

Happy 2021 to all of you, may you have the Lord’s blessings & love & comfort this year and may you find

Joy in the Journey!


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18 thoughts on “Jan 2021 Ministering Handout

    1. Jan, You are welcome. I hope all is well with you and you are ready for a new year! We can both work on the goal of becoming what Heavenly Father needs us to become! Hope you have a Happy New Year and Happy Ministering!

  1. Thank you, Rita, again. As usual, your art is beautiful. I love sharing the message you provide and add my own personal note. It is calming to think of BECOMING as you journey, and not feel you need TO BE right now!

    1. Diane, I think that you hit it on the head. We all need to think of becoming and not TO BE right now. That is something that I am working on, and trying not to put so much pressure on myself and everyone else. Something that 2020 has taught me as well! Happy Ministering!

  2. THANK YOU!!! These should be in my ministering sisters inbox by now! I appreciate you sharing your talents with us! Happy New Year!

    1. Rhonda, You are welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write your kind supportive message, it means a lot to me. Happy New Year to you too! Happy Ministering!

  3. Thank you , Rita for the beautiful handout. I love to share you messages and like others try to personalize it with my own touch that always complement your beautiful artwork. Bless you in this new year 2021 and thank you for all you do!

    1. Beth, You are welcome. Thank you for your kind comment and sweet support. They mean the world to me. Hope you have a Happy New Year! Happy Ministering!

  4. As always…these are special hand outs! Bless you Rita for enriching our lives, and the ability to enrich the lives of those we minister! :)

    1. Bonnie, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your sweet words and your support. Happy Ministering!

  5. Thank you so much for making our ministering responsibilities easier. You make us look awesosme.

    Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family..

    1. Kathleen, You are welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your words and your sweet support. Happy New year to you too! Happy Ministering!

  6. Thank you so much for making our mininstering responsibilities easier and fun. You make us all look awesome and creative.

    Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

  7. Thanks a bunch Rita for all of your hard work to help us do better at being mindful of each other. I don’t know why but I cannot find this particular talk by Elder Uchtdorf. Would you please reference it for me? Thanks again.

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