November 2020 Ministering Handout

Happy Fall Y’all!  Welcome to the November 2020 Ministering Handout. 

I’m glad that you are here!

This is the month that we all turn our hearts to all of the things that we are grateful for!  And with 2020, we might tend to say there is not a  lot of things that we are grateful for!  But I am here to say that my heart is so grateful for so many things that it is hard to count all of my many blessings.  

During covid, I have learned so many things that I think the Lord has been trying to tell me for a long time.  Probably, the main thing that I have learned is the fact that it is important for me to slow down!!!!  I need to focus on what is really important and let all the other things go.  My family, is obviously a very important thing that I need to devote my time and energy to.  But, I have found a great love for scripture study during this pandemic!  I have deepened my love for the Savior and his infinite atonement.  And I think there are probably a lot more of you out there that have also discovered many wonderful blessings during this time of trial and confinement.

Wanted to do my message this month with a thought about gratitude.  I found this quote from President Joseph F. Smith, and I love the the last line!  It says: “Gratitude is said to be the memory of the heart.”  Don’t you just love that??Here is the handout.  For those of you that would like to print as a jpeg image, right click over the image.  Then go to “save image as”.  Save in a folder.  You can print from there or you can send it out to your favorite photo processing center.  

All of my printables are formatted to a 4 x 6 size.  As always…my printables are for personal use only.  They are not for resale!

Here is the blank card.  This is perfect for those of you that would like to translate.  Or if you are in need  of a fun card, handout, note or invite!  You can simply add your own information.

For those of you that would like the PFD download, click on the link(s) below:

1.Nov 2020 Ministering

2. Nov 2020 Ministering-blank

I thought that it would be fun to pair this handout with a fun scented candle.  I love lighting candles when the weather turns cold.  The glow and fragrance just seem to warm my home!  But you could do a fun fall treat, some fall flowers, a fall scented lotion, or just simply the card and a visit!So this is my November 2020 Ministering Handout.  Hope you enjoy it.

As always, please remember that it is your sisters that are important…not the handout!!  Make sure the sisters you visit know how much you love and care about them.  I am still doing porch visits, but I am loving them!

Thanks for Visiting…Happy Ministering!

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21 thoughts on “November 2020 Ministering Handout

    1. Nancy, You are welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I really appreciate your sweet words and your support. Happy Ministering!

  1. Your creations each month take my breath away – they are so well done and so thoughtful. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with so many of us.

    1. Diane, You are welcome! Thank YOU for taking the time to write your kind comment. I love hearing from you…it made my day! Happy Ministering

    1. Kathryn, You are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to write a very sweet, kind comment. It means the world to me! Happy Ministering!

  2. Thank you for sharing such wonderful thoughts for me and all of the sisters I minister too. I love them and they love them, You have such a sweet spirit and great suggestions for us and those who share them.
    You are truly a blessing to me in these troubling times.

    1. Janet, Thank you so much for taking the time to write you kind comment. Your words touched my heart! I appreciate your sweet thoughts and your support. Happy Ministering!

    1. Marilyn, You are welcome! Thank you so much for taking the time to write your comment. I loved hearing from you and I appreciate your kind words. Happy Ministering!

  3. Your messages and seasonal drawings are always so timely. I have been using these for my sisters for several years. I used to print them and take them to their homes when I gave the “message” but since Covid-19 I copy and paste onto an email and send them out that way. I never fail to get positive comments on them. Thank you so much!!

    1. Claudia, You are welcome. Covid 19 has presented many challenges, but I love that you found a way to keep ministering to your sisters! Thank you for your service. Happy Ministering!

  4. I am so very glad i “stumbled” on your site. Beautiful, thoughtful & spiritual, thank you.

    Really crazy, I’m kind’a new to this, but for the life of me…I cannot see how you got the quote inside the frame!! I know, brain freeze…right? It is just the perfect way to send a ministering message to my less active sisters…God bless, stay safe…

    1. Linda, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. Putting the quote in the frame is just a bit of editing. if you know how to use a word processing program, you should be able to write anything that you like inside the frame. Hope you have a wonderful day…Happy Ministering!

  5. I love your handouts. They are always so beautiful with such fun ideas to go along with them. Thank You
    I have a question. Is there away you can make the blank a work document so I can type a poem in it?

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