Well here it is…time for the November 2021 Ministering Handouts!Of course, this month most of us turn our hearts to gratitude. Which we should really do every month. But I think we concentrate on it more in November. So, this month I thought it would be fun to do a gratitude pumpkin!
Don’t you love the quote, from President Monson that says, “Regardless of our circumstances, each of us has much for which to to grateful if we will but pause and contemplate our blessings”.
That quote comes from the talk, “The Divine Gift of Gratitude” We all have problems and circumstances that we really don’t want. But, if we take time to be grateful and to recognize those blessings…it might not take the problems away…but it does make us grateful for all the blessings we do have!
If you would like to save this message card to jpeg form, simply right click over image. Then go to “save image as” and save in a folder. You can print from there or send it out to your favorite photo processing center.
All images are formatted to a 4 x 6 size.
And as always, these images are for personal use only they are not for resale!
Here is the blank card for those of you that would like to translate. Or if any of you are in need of a note, a fall card, a handout or an invitation…this card is just for you!
As I said earlier, this month is the perfect month to do a gratitude pumpkin! For those of you that do not know what that is, I will tell you. You need a pumpkin. It can be a real pumpkin, a plastic or Styrofoam pumpkin, or even a paper pumpkin! You can start at the top and write “grateful” or “thankful for” and then just start listing all the things that you are thankful for. You can go around and around and work your way down or you can just add things randomly all over the pumpkin. Do it in your own handwriting, because that is what people will remember about you! You can do this daily or you can do it with your whole family or in a group (think Thanksgiving dinner). This is a fun memento to keep for years to come! And you can add to it for several years!
Here is a fun paper pumpkin I made that can easily be mailed.To make this paper pumpkin, simply cut 3 ovals out of paper. Cut a stem and some leaves and a curly cue and glue it all together! Super easy!
These tags are for you to tie to either a marker or pen, depending on which type of pumpkin you are using. They tell how to do make a gratitude pumpkin and the different ways that you can approach making it. You will want to use a permanent marker or an archival pen for the paper pumpkins. That way they will last for many years to come.
Again, I included a blank tag for those that need to translate, or to make your own tag.
For those of you that would like the PDF download, simply click on the link(s) below:
1.Nov 2021 Ministering handout
2.Nov 2021 Ministering handout-blank
3. Nov 2021 Ministering handout-tag
4. Nov 2021 Ministering handout-tag-blank
So that is my November 2021 Ministering Handout. What are you grateful for?? I am grateful for each one of you and your sweet support and kind comments that you send to me!
As always, please remember that the handout is not the important thing…it is your sisters that your minister to. Make sure they know how much you love and care about them!
Happy Ministering!

I’m grateful for you and your talents that we are able to share with our sisters!
Sandra, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment! Love it. Hope you have a great day. Happy Ministering!
YOU are amazing! Thank you for sharing your talent with us! I love everything that you create.
Shirleen, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your very kind comment. It made my day! Hope you have a great day. Happy Ministering!
Thank you so much. I love what you do for us.
Debby, You are welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write your sweet comment. I appreciate it and your sweet support. Happy Ministering!
Thank you for your beautiful Ministering Handouts. Everyone I give them to loves them and thanks me for thinking of them. Your handouts have a huge impact on people and helps brighten their day!
Angela, You are welcome. Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. That made my day! I appreciate your thoughtfulness and your sweet support. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Ministering!
Thank you. You share such a fun treat or activity every month and each sister or family express gratitude for our visits. Thank you again
Jan, You are welcome. Thank you for your kind comment. I LOVE hearing from you. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Ministering!
You are such an inspiration to so many. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with so many.
Suzanne, You are welcome, thank you for taking the time to write your comment. Happy Ministering!
I love all the ideas. Thank you so much for sharing. May God keep blessing you.