I went to the Dog Kennel Quilt show this last weekend. Isn’t that quite the name! apparently when they first started they met in an old dog kennel building! My how times have changed. They were celebrating 20 years this year! This is what greeted us as we pulled up to the house! Is that amazing or what. It is a small representation of some of their quilts over the last 20 years!This is their guild banner.
Every year they raffle off a quilt or two. This year they had 6 of them! They donate the winnings to charity and all of the quilts are made by the members! They also have the best lunch ever! It is all kinds of salads and desserts made by all their members. I was excited because they even had a recipe booklet this year with a lot of the salad recipes! I can’t wait to try them out!
They have beautiful quilts lining a fence all around this big yard and then they set up several different displays like this: So Beautiful!
I loved this fall quilt, it was one of my favorite! My next favorite is anything Americana, so this one caught my eye right off:
Who wouldn’t love this watermelon quilt. It is simply delicious!
Another fall quilt that caught my eye. :)
I thought that this was a fun display. It is aprons made out of old shirts! I love how creative they are.
This quilt was probably my all time favorite and one that I want to put on my “To Do” list! I love first,that it is a Halloween quilt, second, that it has a stitched panel and third, that it has pieced squares! So classic!
What a fun day to spend with a best friend! We enjoyed time together, lunch, shopping at the booths and admiring all the quilts! Thanks Kathy!
This post is from pink polka dot creations. If you are not reading it from our feed, it has been STOLEN. Please contact Rita to let us know. Please enjoy the posts!

How fun! I do love quilt shows. It’s fun to see Kathy too!
Lots of lovely quilts at that show and what a great name.