I was fortunate enough to be a part of a Humanitarian Quilt Project!
Our Relief Society had a super Saturday last week and they were able to tie 11 quilts at this activity! A few of the women took some of the quilts home to tie and I quilted a few of the quilts, so when they are all done…there will be 30 quilts to donate!!
Woo Hoo!
These quilts will stay here in our area to help some of the less fortunate people that live here.
I love to help the local charities!
It is nice to help people all around the world…but we can do a lot of things right here at home!
At this super Saturday activity, they had crafts, demo’s and of course food. But the service project was a big part of the whole thing!
The quilts had all been pre-sewn.
They had been sewn envelope style with the batting sandwiched in between the fabric. Then turned right side out. A top stitching held the edges so that they would stay flat.
They did not even have to put them on frames! They simply laid the quilts out flat on banquet tables and tied them!
Easy Peasy!I had 4 of the quilts and I told my friend that I would quilt mine.
It was almost as fast for me to quilt them, as it was to tie them…almost!! :)
These quilts are large!
They have a very nice thick batting.
And they will be super warm!!
So glad that I had the opportunity to help with this Humanitarian Quilt Project!
It always makes me feel good when I can help!
With the holiday season soon upon us, what humanitarian projects do you have in mind? Or what service can you give?
I need to be better at doing service throughout the year, not just at Christmas. Our hearts seem to turn more to service this time of year…which is a good thing! But it is also a good idea to spread it out throughout the whole year!
Thanks for Visiting! Hope you have a wonderful Day!

Your quilts are beautiful. I remember once in RS conference we were told not to give ugly quilts, to make them as pretty as we could. I made 17 quilts for humanitarian last year. This year I have been having some health problems so haven’t done so many. I have done 60 beanies. I make them for all the primary kids every Christmas. They call me the “hat lady”.
I like the idea about always doing pretty quilts. Thanks for all your service!
I am very impressed and liked the idea that you did not have to use frames. I have sown quilts together in an envelope like this. It never occurred to me not to put them into frames but use a table instead! That would be great when you have a lot of quilts to tie at once like at a service project. Thanks for the pictures and the ideas. Your posts are great!
Brenda, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your sweet words and your support. I was not sure how the quilts would work without putting them on frames, but they worked out great! And, it is way faster to tie them!
Hope you have a great day!
Rita, What beautiful quilts! They will keep people warm and also let them know that others care about them.
For the past couple years I’ve made quilts for homeless children. I’m going to be expanding my quilt projects to include:
1. Children who have been traumatized. These quilts will be distributed by the police dept.
2. Children who live in poverty and can use quilts. These quilts will be distributed in December by the police dept. along with toys and other items that the community donates for the kids.
3. I’ll be checking with my local police dept to find out if they have fundraisers to collect funds for their K-9’s. Sometimes they need vests for the dogs. If they do I’ll make a raffle or auction quilt for them.
4. I’m working on a quilt that will benefit an organization called “Guardian Angel Medical Service Dogs”. This organization touches my heart. Here is a link to their website. http://www.medicalservicedogs.org/
5. Comfort Critters http://comfortforcritters.org/ collects blankets for animal shelters. Or you can check with your local animal shelter to find out if they could use quilts, quick no sew fleece blankets or knitted blankets for the animals. Some shelters like to do this (not all) and believe it comforts the animals and increases the likelihood that they’ll be adopted. The quilts and blankets make the environment more cheerful and less sterile so potential adopteers stay longer. This increases the chances they’ll bring an forever pet home with them.
6. A church in my area collects items for the homeless and distributes them during the year. In December they specifically ask for donations of blankets, scarves, hats and gloves. These items are distrubuted on Christmas Eve.
7. Ronald McDonald House https://www.rmhccf.org/ in my area can use quilts of any size from tiny preemie size to quilts for teens.
Whew! I know this is long but their seems to be many ways we can help others through the work we do with our hands.
Lea, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your comment. You are so right about there being so many ways that we can all help others! It is always good to help at this time of year…but i think we need to be mindful all year round! I have a good friend who is always doing service/humanitarian projects and she keeps me going, so I am grateful for her service. I hope that more people (me included) will look for opportunities to serve throughout the entire year. Thank you for all of your wonderful ideas and resources! May you be blessed in all that you do for others!