A few weeks ago, my granddaughter and I made a strawberry quilt block from the new Lori Holt Farm Girl Vintage Book.
We had a great time sewing these and then we moved on to sewing a TON of pillows for my Sewing Room Makeover. My granddaughter was a great help in sewing all of the pillows and we ended up sewing even more pillows for another room that I did a makeover in…that reveal coming soon!
I decided that we needed to do something with the quilt blocks that we had made, so I surprised my granddaughter with another quilt block…the cherry block. I made this one for her, because although she did a great job sewing the strawberry, it was a little bit difficult for her. So as a reward for all of her help, I made all of the blocks into hot pads!I layered the hot pads with some Insul-Bright so that they would be insulated. I just quilted them with my regular sewing machine. I learned after quilting the first one to use my walking foot and it worked so much better than just using my regular foot! :) These turned out so cute, there is pink fabric on the back of the strawberry and red on the back of the cherries. I bound them with the green polka dot fabric and my granddaughter was quite excited about her new Lori Holt quilt block hot pads!
Even though she is only 9 years old…I told her that she could put them away for her trousseau! Of course I had to explain what that was to her, and she said “But, grandma…I don’t even like boys!” I told her that some day she would! :) It was grandpa that was having a hard time with this whole concept!
I love that I have a granddaughter that loves to sew. She is quite creative and loves to put colors together, I couldn’t be more proud!:)
Do you have a child or grandchild that loves to do something that you love? Spend some time together developing this talent…it will make both of you happy!
Thanks for visiting today! Hope you are having a great day!
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