I hope that you all had a great weekend. It rained here all weekend…but that is okay because we need the water. I did not have to go out and water all of my pots, so that was a bonus! We have had two of our grandsons staying here with us and they have been so fun to have. I will give you a recap of what we have done in the next post!
Today I have a great
(recipe, if you can really call it that!)
way to make easy Rosemary Garlic Parmesan Rolls!
These rolls are packed with flavor and they are perfect for a Sunday dinner, a yummy sandwich, pretty enough for a party or shower luncheon, or just all by themselves slathered in butter!
It all starts with frozen roll dough! So it does not get any easier than that! :) You simply put out how many rolls that you are going to need in a pan. Let them rise according to the directions on the package.When they have risen to the right size, brush plenty of melted butter on the top of the rolls, then sprinkle with fresh chopped rosemary, garlic salt and grated Parmesan Cheese. Bake according to the directions on the package.
These rolls have so much yummy goodness and the rosemary gives them just the right amount of seasoning!
If you are wondering about planting an herb garden…rosemary is always at the top of my list! I love rosemary on bread, potatoes, fish, and in sauces, dips, and tomato dishes. So you might want to add rosemary to your list of herbs for your garden this summer! I live in Utah and I thought that my rosemary would freeze in the winter, but I planted one last summer and it is doing great this spring! So it survived the winter. I am one happy girl! :)
If you like to make your own bread, I love to make this:
This bread is fun to just break pieces off and dip in olive oil and balsamic vinegar! And it tastes the best right out of the oven, but then what homemade bread doesn’t? :)
And here is another great rosemary recipe for Pan Fried Rosemary Tilapia
So now you have three ways to use fresh rosemary! You just might need to plant some out in your garden, or you can plant rosemary in a pot and put it out on the patio. It does great in a container garden.
Thanks for Visiting today! Happy Monday!

Thanks for sharing your recipes and ideas..Love getting your email each day…R