I have a super fun Beginning Cross Stitch Project that is perfect for learning to embroider! My friend, Sharee, did this for her Activity Day Girls and every girl was able to make a darling pillow! Sharee told me how she did it and I did one for my granddaughter to work on while we were on our St. George Get-Away.This project is perfect for anyone that would like to try their hand at cross stitch. You can write any name or word, let me tell you how we did this.I printed out the name and sized it how big I want it to be. Then I printed off a 1/4″ graph paper and I put it in front of the name paper. You can print your own graph paper here. Using a light box or a window, put an x on each square that is over the letter you are making. You should probably be a little more precise than I was, so that it is easier to trace it onto the fabric. If we do another beginning Cross Stitch project, I will make the x’s fill the entire square.My Granddaughter and I went to one of my favorite stores…Broadbents! I let her pick out the border fabric and the color of floss that she wanted to use.Trace your pattern onto your fabric using a light box or taping it up to a window.I showed her how to thread her needle, tie a knot at the beginning and the end and then how to stitch it. She caught on really fast and she loved doing it. She had it done in just a matter of a few days! I cut the borders for a pillow and she sewed them on
and stuffed the pillow one day after school!She also got some fabric to make a pillow case when we were in St. George and she whipped the pillow case up at the same time. She is becoming quite the little seamstress! :)So do any of you want an easy Beginning Cross Stitch Project? This is a great place to start!I think that colors the she picked are very relaxing. I have always enjoyed doing stitching and handwork projects…so I am happy that she loves to do it too! It is always fun to have someone to appreciate the work you do…even if she is only 10!
This is way better than the beginner cross stitch sets you get in stores – because those are never your own name! I remember my first cross stitch was a dolphin, and the background glowed in the dark (you know, mid-to-late 90’s, when everything wanted to glow in the dark ;) ). It was fun, but I bet I would have finished it much faster if it was something like this (because even though the dolphin was awfully small, I didn’t *really* like it, ha!)!
Jessica, thanks for sharing your story about your first cross stitch! I remember my first cross stitch piece that I learned on too, it was a pillow that I did in Primary, but that is where I developed a love for doing embroidery and hand work! Hopefully my granddaughter will have a hobby that she will love for a long time too!
I love this idea and would like to post it on my website for Activity Day girls Developing Talents Goals 4 craft project. Is this possible? Here is the link where I posted your project.
LINK: http://www.gospelgrabbag.com/2013/03/08/faith-in-god-activity-days-developing-talents-goal-activities-4-make-and-display-item-primary-lesson-helps/
– Mary H. Ross, gospelgrabbag.com
I am anxious to hear about activities that will inspire and develop these young girls…I’m relatively new at this, so always happy to get ideas and suggestions!!
Sherry, this activity would be a great activity and I know it fills one of the requirements, I’m just not sure what one. Good luck!
This is an awesome beginner project and having something personalized is always fun <3
Congrats to Kinley on a project well done ;) (and nice sewing work too!)