Here is my July 2015 Visiting Teaching Handout.
I cannot believe that it is July already! I am having a hard time keeping up with summer and trying to get in all the fun activities that I want to do! :) I took last week off and I spent one of those days with my foot on ice! I do not know exactly what I did, but I pulled a muscle or tendon or something in my foot. (I know…I’m terribly coordinated!) It is doing much better now, but I still have a bit of a limp. I had better get it better real soon because I am going to be chasing a 2 year old around the rest of the week! Well, so much about me…
This month the visiting teaching message for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is: Divine Attributes of Jesus Christ: Forgiving and Merciful. You can read the entire message here. I chose to focus on President Uchtdorf’s message. I absolutely love this message…because after all aren’t we all in need of forgiveness??
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