Last week my friend, Kathy, gave me a fun quilt design board! I have never used one before and I am finding that I love it! It is a board that you can lay out your quilt pieces to see where you want each piece to go.My board is about 14.5 x 20 inches. She covered it with a thin quilt batting and used this fun zebra print duck tape to finish the edges! You could make one any size that you want, I have a neighbor that designs her own quilts and she has a whole entire wall made into a quilt design board!
You can just lay out all of your pieces to see where you want to place them within your block. It was nice to lay this block out to make sure that none of the same pieces were right together! Can you guess what this block is?…
If you guessed a pumpkin…you are so smart! :) Maybe the orange was a dead giveaway though! This is one of the projects that I am working on right now. It is from Lori Holt’s Farm Girl Vintage. This is a twelve inch block so the pieces are a little bit bigger, but the blocks that I have been working on to go with this are only 6 inch blocks and their are a lot of 1 inch squares! It is a test of my accuracy, and sometimes I tend to go too fast and not be as accurate as I should be! So I guess I will learn to slow down and do it right! :)
I had these two monkeys helping me out this day. They really were good and I was able to get quite a bit done…but they wanted to be the models for my new quilt design board!
I have enjoyed sewing a lot more since my sewing room makeover and sometimes my husband cannot find me for hours. :) It is just so fun to be in a room that is organized and I can sew and design all I want to and then when I am done, I just close the door and it stays that way until I am ready to go back to it! If you have your own sewing room or are one of the lucky ones and you know what I mean!
Thanks for visiting today…Go design something pretty today!