Tag Archives: t-shirt scarf

T-Shirt scarf

My sister and I were at our dad’s house, and she showed me how to make this cute t-shirt scarf.  (Dad was a good sport and went along with all this bloggy stuff!)

Take an XL t-shirt and cut straight across the body from side to side, right under the arms.Like this!Then fold the t-shirt over so one side is about 1 inch away from the other side.  Cut off the hem.Start cutting 1-2 inch wide strips and cut just past the fold ..like this.Continue cutting the entire length.Hold on to the uncut part and pull each strip out and stretch it out all the way.  This curls the edges.Then open up the circle, so it looks like this.Take a piece of the cut off hem and tie a knot  around it. Tuck the ends into the layers.

And there you have it!  An easy, cute, inexpensive infinity scarf!

This is another version of the infinity scarf…I cut all the way across the  t-shirt into 1-2 inch wide strips and stretched them out, so I had several separate loops, then just hooked them together with a cute pin!  You can make this one as full as you like. In this version, you could actually get 2 scarves out of one t-shrt!  One for you and one to share!

Then the girls and I made these ruffled t-shirt scarves! I saw this idea on Pinterest here. There is a full tutorial there if you want to see it. But basically all you do is cut 8-12 circles out of an XL t-shirt. (Just trace around a 9″ paper plate)

Then you will cut each of the circles into a spiral.We had lots of helpers, this is our littlest princess, (Isn’t she a doll?)This is what the spiral will look like. Then Just stretch each spiral out and pull along the length of it to curl the edges. That is what makes the ruffles.  I forgot to take a picture of the next step, but just take two pieces and glue together end to end with fabric glue, to make a long strip.  Let dry, then lay all the strips out and using one of the strips, tie them all together in the middle and just let the ends hang down with the rest of the strips.  Easy Peasy and NO SEWING!  These would make darling gifts for the Holidays!  (If you are having a hard time understanding this last step go to the link for a better tutorial.)So what do you thiink?  Do you want to try one now?I added a cute little pin to mine and this is about as dressed up as I will get for Halloween!

If you try this out I would love to see what you have done!  What other crafty things have you been doing?