My daughter made these coasters and they were super simple and would make a great gift for neighbor gifts for Christmas, Birthdays, wedding gifts, thank you gift or just because. I think that they would even be cute for Halloween!
(mm, I think I feel another project coming on!)
Here is the line-up of supplies: Mod Podge, tissue paper, 4 inch tiles (from Lowe’s), and felt pads.
First apply the felt pads to the back on all 4 corners.
Apply the Mod Podge to the front and all the sides of the tile.
Have a piece of tissue paper already cut to about 5-6 inch square and apply it to the top of the tile and wrap around all of the edges, Make sure to rub it a little to get any bubbles out. Contour it around the corners. You will have some tiny creases here but that is ok.
Let it dry and then tear, or use sandpaper to remove the excess paper on the bottom. Apply 1-2 more coats of Mod Podge to seal it good.
Tie them up with a cute bow and you have a darling gift for someone you love! There are all kinds of possibilities in the paper that you could use to make these, so get creative and make a set today!