I have some Spring Blossoms from my yard to share with you today. Some of these have already faded and are gone, but they were so beautiful while they lasted!All of these are perennials that I have out in my yard and I always love it when they all start blooming and there is hope that warmer weather is coming!
My bleeding hearts are one of the first ones to come up and start blooming. This plant was a gift from a special friend and I love that I can think of her every time I walk past it!
These were the blossoms on my peach tree. I went out and took these pictures and then that night we had a horrible windstorm and some of the blossoms blew right off the tree and a lot of the other ones shriveled up. But I think that I will still have a pretty good crop of peaches this year! I hope so anyway.
These are apple blossoms on my Fuji apple tree. I love how the buds are a beautiful pink color and then they open up to a glorious white with brilliant yellow centers.
This mini carnation plant is new to my yard this year. I planted it down by a small pond that we have in the back yard.
These purple tulips come up early along side of my bleeding hearts. The purple and pink are beautiful together!
I have these pink tulips out in my front yard. I love the vibrant color in these and they add such a fun accent to my yard!
I do not know the name of this tree, but it is a BIG tree that I have out on the side of my house and these blossoms smell absolutely divine! My neighbors can all smell them and they always comment on how beautiful they smell! I think that this tree smells quite a bit like a lilac bush in full bloom.
This is another tree that I have in my yard. I call it my snowball tree, but I don’t know the real name of it. This one also smell really, really good!
I picked an armful of the blossoms off of my tree and put them in this pitcher. I took them inside and put them in my kitchen and the smell was unbelievable. I wish I could send it through the computer to you! The only bad thing about these blossoms is that they are not a good cut flower. They start falling off after the second day! :( But they are sure amazing while they last!
I went out yesterday and planted 4 different pots. I think that the weather is good enough that they will be okay now. But if it gets too cold, I can always go out and cover them. I planted 3 flower pots and one long herb planter. I bought my tomatoes, but I think I will wait a few more days to see what the weather is going to be. It is supposed to be cold and rainy again for the next few days. I still have many more pots to plant and I hope to get most of them done over the next week or two!
Have you planted your flowers or garden where you live? I love this time of year…it’s when all the weeds start coming that isn’t so fun!
Have a HAPPY day and thanks for visiting!

Those pictures are stunning! I am a watercolor artist and think I will paint one of them. Thank you
Ooh, I would love to see it when you get one done! If you think about it, take a picture and email it to me!
What a beautiful garden Rita !!! Love all the blooms. We are still in winter here with snow storms and lousy weather, so maybe soon it will be spring so I can get outside. Thanks for the spring in my winter ;-)
Thank you so much for your kind comment. I hope that you will get spring soon in your neck of the woods, so that you can go outside. There is nothing better than being able to enjoy the great outdoors! :)
They are beautiful !!!!!! Thanks for sharing :)
Brenda, thank you for your sweet comment, I love hearing from you and I appreciate your support!
Hi – I just came over from I Should be Mopping the Floor and saw your header recipe – Sugar Crusted Lemon Raspberry Muffins. I LOVE anything lemon/raspberry, I can’t seem to find the recipe though, beautiful, yummy pictures, but no text for the recipe. Help, please!
I am hoping this will be fixed soon. Another technical problem with the new facelift! If I can’t get it up soon I will email you the recipe!
Hey Rita, Your garden is beautiful. It has been such a lousy spring here in Ohio. I have not planted anything yet. Can’t wait to, though. The season is so short here. I actually had the heat on this morning! Ugh! So crazy. I adore anything flowering. Trees, shrubs. All so pretty. I want a lilac bush on the side of my deck, and hydrengas.(never know how to spell that). Well. I will dream of warmer tempts!
Carol Jane, I hope that you get warmer weather soon! There is nothing like the smell of fresh flowers! Thanks for your kind comment and for your support, I appreciate both of them! Have a great day! Rita
They are all gorgeous. I don’t know the name of the white blossom but I know that smell…love it :) Back in the 50’s my aunt had the most beautiful Bleeding Hearts…that pic brought back memories. Thanks for sharing :)
Victoria, thank you for taking the time to comment. I am glad that you had a small walk down memory lane. My dad has a lilac bush that does the same thing for me! I love that smell!!!
Have a great day!
Thank you so much for linking this up to my Creative Ways Link Party. I am in awe of the beautiful flowers you have all over your yard. It’s like your own florist shop right there! I hope you’ll link up more inspiring posts this week!
Just GORGEOUS, Rita!!