Today I have a fun 40 day conference Challenge Treat! This is for those that are reading the conference talks from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I had a request to make a certificate or bookmark for those that completed the 40 day conference reading challenge.I thought that rather than a certificate for completing the reading program…I would do a treat idea for those that participated!! If you read 1 or 2 or 7 of the talks… that might be more than you would of read if you had not taken the challenge, so in my eyes you are doing something! These “sweet is the word” labels can be used in any way that you choose to do so.
This is the fold-over bag topper. It is for a 4 inch wide bag. You can fill it with any “sweets” that you like. Simply print the topper, cut it out, fold it over your bag of treats and staple it closed!
The candy bar wrapper is made to fit a Hershey’s size candy bar. Again, just print, cut out and tape around a candy bar!
If you just want to do a bookmark, I’ve got you covered for that. Print, cut out and you can staple ribbons to the top if desired. You could also add a highlighter to the bookmark. This is perfect for those that cannot have “sweets”.
Here are the printables for the fold-over bag topper and the bookmark.
This is the candy bar wrapper. I printed the wrapper on regular paper. The fold-over topper and the bookmark are better printed on card stock paper. To print these as a jpeg, right click over the image and go to “save image as”, save in a folder and you can print from there. If you would like the PDF download click on the link below:Sweet is the Word-Bookmark and Bag topper
Sweet is the Word-Candy Bar Wrapper
So now you have a fun 40 day conference challenge treat to give to those that are participating with you…or to give to yourself! :)
I cannot believe that we only have a little more than a week and we will be done with this challenge and will prepared to hear the next conference talks! I love the article that we read today on the family. It is amazing how inspired the proclamation to the family was when it was issued so many years ago! We are very blessed to have these words of encouragement and guidance!
Hope you are enjoying the challenge as much as I am! Good luck in your reading and keep going to the end! You are almost there!Reward yourself and those around you…you’ll be glad you did!
Thanks for Visiting…Have a great Weekend!
The images for these printables are used with a CU licence from, from the “Icecream” line.

These are so fun!
Thank you for the challenge and the “goodies”!!
I have SO enjoyed this!
Inspired for sure!
@lli, thank you so much for your kind comment and for taking the time to write! I love when someone can use one of my ideas, so thanks for making me happy! :) Good luck with the challenge and keep going, we are almost to the end! Have a great day!
I want you to know that I love your inspiring ideas and endless ideas of projects and the great love and detail you put into your passionate life. And I love that you share that passion with your sisters in the gospel and others who just need a little love. Thank you for all the love.
Glenda Rice
Glenda, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your very sweet comment. I really appreciate it, it makes me happy when someone can use one of my ideas…so thanks for making my day! Hope you have a great one.
Thank you so much for sharing this Challenge on you blog! I printed out bookmarks and shared them with family and friends and it has been a treasured time for me each day to read the corresponding talk. I shared it on Facebook and Instagram each day with a link to the talk on Thank you so much for your hard work to create the bookmark and dispersing the talks throughout the 40 days! It has been a blessing to me and I know it benefited several of my friends and family members. I took this challenge and turned it into a Knowledge 10 Hour Value Project as I work toward my Young Woman Personal Progress as a Young Women Leader! Thank you again for your inspired work and your willingness to share!
Erin, Way to go! That was a great project idea! Thanks for sharing. I am glad that you could share your experience with others and that you had others to do it along with you! Keep going…we are only a week away from completion! :) Have a great day and Happy Reading.
You are amazing and so inspiring! I truly appreciate your efforts!
Kris, Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I really appreciate the time you took to write it and your kind support. Good luck with the challenge and Happy Reading!
Hi. I’ve just been called to be a v.t supervisor. I dislike that word. {Supervisor}. Ill have to think of another one. Anyhoot, It’s 4:30 am and I can’t sleep so I started looking for ideas to inspire my sister’s to want and enjoy doing their v.t. and to love the sisters they serve. I love yr site and ideas and will use them starting now. Thank you for your time and ideas to help our lives feel a little more creative and at peace. You are doing all the work for us. Thank you sooo very much.
Nisa, Thank you for your kind comment. I wish you luck in your new calling as (Supervisor!) I know that you will love the sisters that your work with and you will do a great job. (You are up at 4:30 in the morning getting a good start on it, right?) Have a great day, and get in a little nap to make up for lost sleep!
Are you doing a reading schedule for the April 2017 conference
Anne, Yes it will be coming out next week.
Thank you for NOT CHARGING US $$$..
You know how expensive working in YW;s can become.
May the Lords sweetest blessings be upon you for sharing
Love Ya;
Sis. Karen Scott
Eagle Mountain, Utah
Karen, You are welcome. Yes, I know how expensive YW can become, so I am glad that you can use one of my ideas. It made my day! Thank you for all the good work you do. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi Sister Rita,
Thank you for sharing. I really loved all your ideas and I know those are inspired by the spirit. I admire your desire to bless others through this simple but extraordinary way. I really appreciate your help to invite others to come unto Christ using your gifted talent in art.
Love lots,
Sister Happy
Sister Happy, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I loved hearing from you and I appreciate your sweet support. Hope you enjoy the challenge!