Are you ready for General Conference this weekend? I thought it would be fun to do a round-up of ideas of Preparing for General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!
Have all of you finished your 40 day conference reading challenge? If not…keep going! You have a few more days to finish!
Conference weekend is one of my favorite weekends. It means that we can stay home and watch conference on TV and eat treats! :)
What is your favorite thing about conference weekend?
There are many ideas out there that you can use. I am just touching the tip of the iceberg here. Just click on each link to take you to their site!
A great source to use is Sugardoodle.
This site has many ideas from games to packets to handouts!
At Food Storage & Beyond you will find a great packet to use for children!
Another site that “Has Everything You Could Possibly Need For General Conference Weekend!
They also have this fun Apostle Bingo:
Another great link is from Mormon Cartoonist.
This is a fun one for little kids and for big kids!
You can also check out this round-up that I did a couple of years ago.
Parts of these packets may be outdated, but there are several sections that you can reuse over and over!
So now you have several ideas for Preparing for General Conference! You can use as many or as little of the ideas that you need to help your own family. Sometimes it is hard to get the little ones excited about 2 hour sessions of conference. But with a little bit of planning, your little ones will be as excited as you are!
Are you as excited as I am… I love conference weekend!
Thanks for Visiting…Have a wonderful day!

I guess I have zoned out on the reading assignment for General Conference. I read scriptures every day, but I have been reading in the Book of Mormon, (presently in chapter 25 of 2 Nephi) and Matthew in the New Testament, and that probably was not the assigned reading. Our Stake President assigned us to read 3rd Nephi for Stake Conference on March 12, and I did that, but I’m not aware of what assignment we were given for General Conference. Could you clue me in?
Lynn, I am not sure what reading assignment you are looking for. This post is just a round up of things and activities that you can do for General conference. I had a 40 day conference reading challenge that I did earlier to read all of the last conference talks before this next conference, but I do not have a list of scriptures to read. You will need to check with someone in your stake for that reading assignment. Good luck!
It was just a challenge from this site to read all of the conference talks before this next conference. Just something to get us in focus to ‘listen’ and ‘feel’ what it is that is being taught!
I would love to know the program you use to make you BY handouts
Amada, I mostly use a program called Scrapbook Max for my handouts. (You can get a free trial for this online.) Sometimes I use the Silhouette program also. All of the images that I use, I buy from I have a CU license to use them on the blog. Hope that helps!