St. George Trip

Last week my husband and I took 3 of our granddaughters for a St. George Trip!  We had so much fun and I thoroughly enjoyed each one of the girls!

This post is a little bit picture heavy, so I am warning you beforehand!  :)  But I want the girls to be able to look back at this post any time they want to remember the fun times we had!The temperature was HOT while we were there. 

It was about 107  degrees , so we spent most of the late afternoon and early evenings in the pool!

The first night that we got to St. George, we went out the the Tuachan Amphitheater to watch the production of Matilda!We had all read the book or at least parts of the book and so we were excited to see the play!But first, we did a little bit of shopping before going in!It is always so fun to see the different sets that they use in these plays. 

That stage is the same every year, but the sets are all so fun to see how they set up each scene!The next morning, we made lip gloss with Kool-Aid!  Each girl picked out the flavor that she wanted and then each girl got to take home 3 different flavors and colors!This was a fun little project to do with these girls.

If any of you would like to try this with your girls, here is the link to the recipe that we used. 

Kool-Aid Lip GlossCupcakes were our next project!  One of my granddaughter’s brought her latest edition of “Girl’s World” Magazine.  In it was a recipe for these root beer float cupcakes!They all helped make the cupcakes.  Then my oldest granddaughter did the piping with the frosting and the other two did the decorating and the straws!  Don’t you think they turned out so cute!  Root beer floats never looked so good!Another thing that we did while on this St. George Trip, was go to basketball games!  Our oldest grandson was playing in a tournament while we were there, so we were able to get to a couple of his games!  But as you can see, the girls were not really all that interested in the game…so I am glad for the coloring books!Our oldest grandson plays on the Skyridge  High School Basketball team.

Some other things that we did were, make slime, painting, and played lots of games!  It was really a fun trip and the girls were delightful!  Thanks girls…Grandma and Grandpa love you guys!

So that was our St. George Trip.  Do any of you have fun trips planned with your family this summer?

Hope you are having a great day…Thanks for Visiting!

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4 thoughts on “St. George Trip

  1. I don’t comment every time but I want you to know that I absolutely love your posts. I feel like a copy cat with every thing you do! I’ve made the picnic quilt, water bottle holders and so, so many more things. I will do the lip gloss with my granddaughters too. You are so much fun and so inspiring to me. Thank you so much! Kris

    1. Kristine, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I loved hearing from you. I am so glad that you were able to do some of my projects…that makes my day! :) The lip gloss is a fun project for the girls, hope you get to try it sometime! Hope you are having a great summer!

    1. Sandra, It was a fun time! They had so much fun together and got along so well! I am a lucky grandma to have such fun grandchildren!

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