Do you ever sing this song to your kids or grandkids…Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime? I love this song and it is fun to think of all the wonderful, fun things that you can do! I thought it would be fun to share just a few things that we have done already! We have been having so much fun this summer and we have our summer bucket list all ready to go…how about you?We have already done several of these things and the kids are loving it! I found this fun S’more Campfire fun book at Gygi’s of all places, but it has so many fun ideas and I love that they are simple things to do, but yet the kids have had a ball doing them and we have spent hours, literally, playing some of the ideas in this book.
You can find this book here.
One of the games that the kids absolutely love is called:Draw a Critter! There are funny made up names of critters with a short description of it. Each person then draws their rendition of the critter and then we shared our pictures with each other! We laughed and laughed with this game and then then came up with a few “new critters” of our own and we played the game some more with other cousins at one of the boys ballgame! This is a fun game that only takes a paper and pencil and some great imagination!
Another thing on the bucket list is bike riding! We have several parks within riding distance from my house, so we like to pack a picnic lunch and go for a ride to the park to play and have a picnic!
Thank goodness for fix a flat for bikes!! That stuff keeps us in business! :)
We have already spent the day at Lagoon, an amusement park in northern Utah, riding all the rides that we could possible ride…
playing some of the games…
And enjoying Pioneer Village. (This granddaughter got her new braces the day before and she has been a real trooper about them!)
We have done some fun crafts and made up a new recipe that are on the bucket list, but I will share them in another post. So what do you do in the summertime? I hope that you have your very own bucket list and that you can get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful world that we live in!
Hope you have a great day! Get outside today and discover the world around you!