September 2020 Ministering Handout

  Welcome to the September 2020 Ministering Handout!

I am sooo ready for fall to come!  This morning there was a little bit of coolness in the air and it makes me very happy!  I love summer and all, but the heat here in Utah has been record breaking some days.  It is time for a change of season!  I love that we get to  experience all 4 seasons here…and fall is one of my favorites!

For this month I just thought I would keep things short and sweet!  The message is short and the handout is sweet!

I love this song, “Autumn Day”, from the primary songbook.  It has such a simple sweet message.  

With all that is going on in the world today, we need to remember to stop…to look around at all of the beauties of nature and remember to count our blessings and ponder on exactly where they all come from!
Here is the message card.  If you would like to print as a jpeg image, simply right click over the image.   Then go to “save image as”.   You can then save it in a folder.  Print your own or send it out to your favorite photo processing center. 

All cards are formatted to a 4″ x 6″ size.  

As always, these images are for personal use only.  They are not for resale.
This blank card is perfect for those that would like to translate.  Or if you are in need of a cute card, invite, note or handout!  Simply add your own text!

For my handout this month, I thought it would be yummy to do fresh apples and a jar of caramel sauce to dip the apples in!  You can use this recipe, or if you want you can simply purchase a jar of caramel sauce and tie a ribbon around the top!  Either way works just beautifully!

Included is the blank card.  Again for those that would like to translate, or use otherwise.For those of you that would like the PDF download, click on the link(s) below:

1.Sept 2020 Ministering Handout

2. Sept 2020 Ministering Handout-blank

3. Sept 2020 Ministering-Caramel Recipe

4. Sept 2020 Ministering-blank recipe card

So that is it for the September 2020 Ministering Handout.  I hope that all of you remember that your sisters are much more important than the handout.  Make sure they know how much you love and care about them!

Thanks for visiting!

Happy Fall Y’all! 

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16 thoughts on “September 2020 Ministering Handout

    1. Beth, You are very welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write your kind message. It means a lot to me. Hope all is well. Happy Ministering!

  1. What would we do without you!!? I was just thinking on the way to the dentist today, wondering if you are so busy with your big family if maybe you retired. Am so glad you are still able to do your hand-outs! They have made VT – ministering so much more joyful. Having something special to give along with good deeds and lots of love. We LOVE YOU!!:)

    1. Bonnie, Thank you so much for your kind comment. It means the world to me. I appreciate your sweet words and your support. Happy Ministering!

    1. Tammy, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your comment. I really loved hearing from you and your kind words warmed my heart. Hope you have a wonderful day…Happy Ministering!

    1. Sandra, You are very welcome! I appreciate your taking the time to write your comment. You are very kind. Hope you have a wonderful day…Happy Ministering!

    1. Nancie, You are welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate your kind words and your sweet support. Happy Ministering!

    1. Jenine, You are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I love hearing from you. Hope you have a great day. Happy Ministering!

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