Okay…all you quilters out there…have you see Lori Holt’s “Farm Girl Vintage” quilt book?
This pattern book is one that will be used over and over many times! She shows you how to make several different quilts, table runners, and hot pads with these darling blocks, as well as the pattern for each of these blocks!
Look at all of this sweet goodness! This book is jam packed with so many ideas that I spent an entire evening out on my patio just looking at all of the possibilities! I was so excited about this book that I could not wait to try out one of the blocks:
This is called the Scrappy Strawberry Block. My oldest granddaughter and I decided that we wanted to make these and make them into a hot pad! It has quite a few pieces, but it is all straight stitching. My granddaughter is nine years old and she got hers about half way done, so we will work on it when she comes again. But look how fun these blocks are! You can do any colors and the book gives the pattern for both a 6″ and a 12″ block, so you can totally mix and match not only the blocks but the sizes also! Lori shows quilts that have all the same block repeated for the whole quilt or table runner, or several variations on the different vintage blocks…it is just too cute!
I think that my granddaughter and I will make the cherry block for the second hot pad and make them a fun, cute set!They did a retreat in my area a week or so ago and I thought of signing up for it, but it filled up in 24 hours, so I missed out. But there are some great pictures of the retreat if you follow Lori on Instagram. It will give you more ideas of the fun things that you can do with this book! Her Instagram is beelori1.
If you enjoy any kind of quilting…you might want to pick up your own copy of this book. I can see many different quilts in my future! You could do seasonal quilts, holiday table runners, hot pad gift sets and many other fun projects.
Well, my head is spinning now with more quilting projects! :) I have been a lean, mean sewing machine! (Well maybe not lean nor mean, but I have been sewing up a storm lately!) I just finished my Americana Quilt Top that I started at my retreat. I think that my friend and I are going to add borders to our quilts and make them a little bigger. We did ours totally scrappy and I am loving how it looks. I will show pictures when I get them done. I am re-doing a room in my house and I am sewing fun pillows for that…I don’t get much housework done…but I sure am having fun!
Hope you have a great day! Thanks for Visiting

What a fun idea to do with your granddaughter. Do you do any sewing with your Gradson’s? Your retreat with your friend sound Iike a lot of fun. Can’t wait to see your Americana Quilt. It sounds darling.