Happy Easter from Our House to Yours!

We had our Easter Party yesterday because a lot of our families are going to be out of town next weekend, so we pretended it was Easter at Grandma’s house a week early!Easter 2015We had our annual Easter Egg hunt, dinner and a fun time with all the cousins!Easter 2015The kids are always so fun to watch them running around trying to find their eggs.  I love the innocence of our littlest one when she found an egg!  She really thought that she had quite a prize!  The bigger boys had a hard time finding some of their eggs because the Easter bunny must have hidden some of them really well!  :)Easter 2015-001Here are some of the goodies that we had.   We had our usual “Grandma’s Candy Bar”, bags of goodies with the fun bag toppers, a prize from grandma and grandpa’s trip, the Easter countdown (I know that we are a week late for the countdown!…I’m a wonderful grandma, I know!)  and I gave them a conference packet for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints General conference next Sunday.  I will post several places that you can print conference packets later in the week.Strawberry shortcakeThis is the dessert that we had!  My kids all know that spring is here when grandma makes her strawberry shortcake!  I posted this recipe a couple of years ago, but decided to do it again because now the recipe is in a printable format!

 So now I have all of my Easter festivities done and I can just relax next Sunday and watch conference and soak in all the peace and quiet!  :)  Really I love it when all the kids are here, they are so full of fun and energy and it just rubs off on you!  I just wish that I had half of their energy!

Thanks for visiting today and Happy Monday!

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3 thoughts on “Happy Easter from Our House to Yours!

  1. Thanks for sharing the wonderful ideas. I don’t know how I have survived 20 years of being a mom without your fantastic posts. You help me be the mom I always wanted to be. Thank you.

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