Do you need a last minute table runner for your Thanksgiving dinner, or perhaps you would like to make one for Christmas…or any occasion for that matter. Well, here is a tutorial on how to make a “Super Easy Table Runner!” This project is wonderful for a beginning seamstress or great for someone that is advanced!
So does anyone want to make one of these Super Easy to Sew Table Runner?
You will need: 12″ of fabric for the front – 18 ” fabric for the back – matching thread -2 buttons or other embellishment.
1. Cut your top fabric 12″ x width of fabric (WOF) Cut the bottom fabric 18″ x WOF.
2. Lay the two pieces right sides together (RST) and sew a 1/4 inch seam down the long side.
3. Now bring the other two sides together. You will still have the right sides together and sew 1/4″ along the side making a cylinder.
4. With the wrong side of the fabric still out, press the seams open.
5. Turn right sides out and press flat. You should have about 1.5″ inches on each side for the border.1. After you have pressed it, trim the ends so that they are even.
2. Fold in half with the back sides together, pin and sew 1/4″ seam through all thickness.
3. Turn out the point and press well.
4. Topstitch across the bottom of the “triangle” to hold in place. Hot glue or stitch a button or other embellishment.
Enjoy! Now wasn’t that easy?
Here is my table runner on my kitchen counter…does that mean it should be called a counter runner??? :)
If you want to make this into a fun tote like the ones for Halloween:All you do is fold in half and sew up the sides. Add two ribbon handles and you have a darling tote bag!
So are you ready to go out a purchase some fun fabric so that you can make a table runner or two…or perhaps you need some tote bags for Christmas gifts???
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Awwww, this is too cute and way easy! I am making one with spring fabrics today! And the tote……totally adorable! Love these. Thanks so much for sharing and for making the tutorial so easy to follow!
Patti, these are so fun to make and you could easily make one for every season or holiday, that also goes for the totes! I know that my granddaughters would love one of the totes for every holiday! :)
Those are so cute, I am going to be making them for all the holidays. Thank you for tutorial can’t wait to start sewing.
Karen, thank you so much for taking the time to write! These are so fun and easy that you easily make them for all of the holidays! Good luck with your project!
These are so cute! I’m going to make one out of the Seattle Seahawks fabric for the center with football fabric for the back and then on the front I’m going to add some lime green bias tape over the seam on each side.and a lime green button. I’m making mine for a friend who is a seahawks fan as a gift.
Mary, What a fun idea for a sports fan! I have a couple of Steelers fans in my family…maybe I need to make some more! Thanks for the idea! I like adding the buttons and the bias tape too, sounds cute!
I would like to make a 72 inch table runner. Do you have any diy instructions for this.
I recommend buying yardage of both fabrics that long so you don’t have to have a seam in the middle of the top. Cut it the long ways instead of WOF (width of fabric). Then the directions are basically the same as above.