January 2025 Ministering Handout
Happy New Year Everyone!
Hope your holidays were filled with love and laughter! Do you love the new year and the thought of organizing everything? Or is it just me? I love a new beginning!

January 2025 Ministering Handout
Happy New Year Everyone!
Hope your holidays were filled with love and laughter! Do you love the new year and the thought of organizing everything? Or is it just me? I love a new beginning!
Let the Summer begin! I am ready…are you?
This month for the June 2024 ministering handout, I chose the talk from Susan H. Porter: “Pray, He Is There”. Don’t you love this quote:
“When you know that Heavenly Father is real and that He loves you, you can live with courage and hope!”
Given that it’s summer, I wanted, sunshine-inspired colors to brighten everyone’s day.
Nov 2023 Ministering Handouts
Hey, everyone welcome to November! I love this time of year when the weather is a little cooler and you can enjoy being outside…even if it’s to do fall cleanup in the yard!
A little tidbit about me, that you probably don’t know…we installed a greenhouse this last summer and I am learning all about planting and propagating and I am hoping to start a lot of my flowers from seed this winter! I am not doing a vegetable garden, I am doing a cut flower garden. I love it and I have a ton to learn! That is why I enjoy being outdoors.
Anyhow, the message this month is about having gratitude in our circumstances. Pretty sure that a lot of you remember this talk, given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf...”Grateful in Any Circumstances”
Hey everyone, Happy July! It is time for the July 2023 Ministering Handout
Hope you are all enjoying your summer and that you are getting to spend time with your family and friends!
This month I wanted to go with a patriotic theme and what is more patriotic than the “Title of Liberty”? Continue reading
Hey Everyone! Welcome to the June 2023 Ministering Handout!
I hope you are all doing well and are ready for summer! I have been working like a crazy old lady out in my yard. I am so excited, because I am getting a greenhouse!! I am going to learn how to propagate, plant from seed, and re-grow all kinds of plants. I am not trying to grow a big vegetable garden, but rather a cut flower garden! It is so fun and I am learning so many new things. I’ll show you pictures when it is all installed and ready to go.
So throughout this process I am learning about the importance of bees and butterflies and that is what lead me to the theme for this month! So here’s the Buzzz…. Continue reading
Hey everyone, it is time for the February 2023 Ministering Handout!
I hope all of you are just a little bit warmer than we are here in Utah! It is freezing this week! It just makes me want to stay home and curl up with a good book all afternoon. (I may need a nap also!) Continue reading
Hey everyone! Happy August! Can you believe it? Our grandkids are going to be back in school in a couple of weeks!! Whaaat??? Where did the summer go?
Sometimes I can be a little bit of a broken record, when it comes to back to school time. I have such a strong testimony about education and developing our talents. And every year at this time, I start thinking about these things.
February 2022 Ministering Handouts
As we enter the month of Love, I hope that each of us will always remember the Savior’s love for each one of us individually, selectively and uniquely. He is always there and he wants us to turn to him. We all need him and he is there waiting for us.
But he has also commanded us to Love one Another as he loves us. The message this month actually comes from a “Friend to Friend “ interview given in 2006 from Sister Cheryl C. Lant.
Well here it is…time for the November 2021 Ministering Handouts!Of course, this month most of us turn our hearts to gratitude. Which we should really do every month. But I think we concentrate on it more in November. Continue reading