I went to Swiss Days this weekend and it was a complete MAD HOUSE! I have never seen that many people there! I am glad for the vendors, but boy was it hard to get around and it was also very hot at 10 in the morning! But I did manage to get a few fun things, one of them being a darling little boy quilt kit, I need another quilt like I need a hole in the head, but it was just too cute to pass it up! :)
My husband and I went up to the cabin this weekend too and there is pretty good progress being made. We are hoping to have everything put back together by next weekend. We are keeping our fingers crossed!
I had so many kind comments and emails and Facebook comments this weekend with the Sept Visiting Teaching handout and I want to thank all of you that took the time to write, it really makes my day to hear from each of you!
To thank all of you for your support…I had a request to make the owl tags with no writing, so here is the blank version for you to use for any personal use! These are perfect for gift tags, notes, journaling tags in scrapbooks, or just to make a fun list on!
I hope that you have a great rest of the weekend!
Thanks again for your support and for visiting today! Love Ya!
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