When I was a little girl, only 4-5 years old my mother took me to a yarn shop called Hiendselman’s, in Provo, Utah. They taught me how to knit! It seems hard to believe now, but I can still remember the lady telling me “In – around – and through” and I remember even at that early age how I loved all the colors and textures of the yarns that were in slots on the wall! So I guess that I have my mother to blame for all my craft making. Even though she is no longer here, she started it! Thanks mom!:)
It seems like every winter that I get the urge to start knitting these dishcloths. They are the most wonderful things because they are made with all cotton yarn and they absorb the water when you are wiping your kitchen counters. They are also a nice big size for washing dishes! I have made so many different colors and styles, but this is the pattern that I always come back to. I use the Sugar and Cream yarn and I can get two dishcloths out of one skein. Although the with new “twist” Peaches and Cream yarn, I could only get 3 dishcloths out of 2 skeins of yarn, even though they are the same yardage and weight, it is a finer yarn. (They are the red and green ones.)