I was over at one of my best friends’ house the other day and she had these flowers that were in full bloom! They looked so gorgeous out in her yard… this one plant in full color out in her yard. So I went back a couple of days later and took this picture.

Doesn’t this just make you happy?!
I loved these flowers so much that I went and bought one for my yard. The color that I got, the flowers start out more of a greenish color then the blossoms turn to white. I am going to get a couple of more and I am hoping to find this beautiful yellow and pink one!
They are called Hellabores and they are a perennial, they bloom in the spring and they like the shade.
It snowed here a couple of days ago and I was out planting my plant the next day in the nice warm sunshine!
So I guess that Spring really has Sprung!
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