One of the things on our summer bucket list was to go hiking up to the Timpanogos Caves in American Fork Canyon…and Monday was a pretty cool day temperature wise, so we decided that it would be the perfect time to go! Continue reading

One of the things on our summer bucket list was to go hiking up to the Timpanogos Caves in American Fork Canyon…and Monday was a pretty cool day temperature wise, so we decided that it would be the perfect time to go! Continue reading
Do you ever sing this song to your kids or grandkids…Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime? I love this song and it is fun to think of all the wonderful, fun things that you can do! I thought it would be fun to share just a few things that we have done already! We have been having so much fun this summer and we have our summer bucket list all ready to go…how about you? Continue reading