I am excited to show you my Wool Valentine Wreath that I made last week!
This is a little bit late, but it will be enjoyed for many years to come!
A super talented lady taught this exciting class!
She has a studio that she teaches in and it was super fun to learn how to make this wreath! Nancy is a very energetic lady and has many beautiful wool projects.
You can follow her wacky woolies on Instagram.Don’t you love the bright fun colors in this wreath? It was so fun to just walk around the studio and pick out whatever colors and size of wool balls that I wanted to use!
Most of the entire wreath are wool balls with the exception of a few wool hearts.
The ones that look like flowers are simply balls that are cut in half!
Just by adding a few buttons or smaller balls for the centers, it made them look more like flowers. We cut leaves out of felted wool and simply hot glued everything onto a heart shaped wreath.The texture and colors of this wreath are amazing! It will be enjoyed it for years to come!
Because, I have not done a whole lot of decorating for Valentines Day, this wreath will be the perfect way to welcome anyone that comes to our home!Because I am trying to eat better, I decided to do a healthier version of Valentines for the grandkids. I tied up some fruit leather and a bag of nuts for all the kiddos. I found this “I’m Nuts About You” tag online and it went perfect with my treat!
When my husband saw what I was doing…he told me that I had to add some candy! What kid does not need candy for Valentines Day??
So being the grandma that I am, I bought each of the kids their own “bag” of candy! Ha Ha! :)
So much for the healthier version!
And last, but not least…I got some happy mail the other day!!Awww…My husband is too good to me!
Who doesn’t love fresh flowers and these are so beautiful with all the different colors!
What do you do for Valentines day?
When our kids were little, I used to make a nice dinner for Valentines Day and we would set the table with the good china and crystal. It was the perfect time for everyone to learn about manners and which fork to use etc. It wasn’t always perfect, but it was a fun dinner!
Hope you have a great Valentines Day. Love Ya!

Rita everything you do is wonderful
Carol, Awww, thank you! I appreciate your kind words. Hope you have a great day and that you take time to do the things you love! :)
That’s the cutest Valentine’s wreath I’ve ever seen!
Jen, Thank you so much! I loved the one I saw before taking the class and was very excited to be able to make one! Nancy @wackywoolies was a great teacher and she is so much fun!