This month’s message is about Missionary work.
I love the quote from Pres. Uchtdorf, so that is my focus for this month’s handout. Since it is winter here in Utah, I went with the winter/snowman theme!
Here are the printables:
They are formatted to 4 x 6 so you can just save them and send it to your favorite photo processing center. If you want to print your own, right click over the image and go to “save image as”, then save in a pictures folder.
Here is the blank one for those of you who want to translate to a different language, or if you just want a fun card, you can write anything that you want on this blank one! :)
I made these fun little snowman donuts to go with my handout. I got these glass plates after Christmas for just 50 cents each, so I grabbed up a bunch of them!
To make these snowmen, start with mini powdered donuts, then just cut an orange gumdrop in half and cut the sides off a bit to make a triangle. Then I just used mini chocolate chips for the eyes and mouth. So super simple! You could also use a candy corn for the nose, but I did not have any so I just went with what I had.
I then just tied the plate up in cellophane and added some fun ribbons:
Or another idea you could do are these darling Oreo snowman pops:
The directions are here from the Idea Room
I am going to make a goal that I get 100% visiting this year, is anyone else with me?
Happy visiting this month! Love Ya!

I love, love, love VT. I am in on the 100% Always! It is so important. We are our Savior’s hands reaching out to his loved ones. Hugs, Ketena
Great! We are in this together, now we have to be accountable for our goal!
I just found your site two months back & I LOVE it! I do not really have any friends in my ward, and the friends I do have are not LDS, so, coming here… not only do I feel like I have a friend with things in common, but, I learn so much from you & get great ideas! I REALLY appreciate your efforts. They are just wonderful! You are amazing <3 Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for your kind words. I want you to know that you have a friend in me and I am grateful that you feel at home here. I am sure that you are a great example to your friends and family and I admire you for that. Thank you for your support. Keep in touch.
helen, we are everywhere. you have sisters world wide. i know reaching out to people on blogs and fb is a great way to connect with some of those sisters. make sure to reach out to the sisters in your ward too though. God put you where you are for a reason. there are people there for you and you are there for others in your ward as well.
i am horribly shy. when i went to a new ward a few years ago, i made it a goal to say hello to a different person every week. i was terrified but i knew that The Lord had prompted me into this goal. fast forward a few years, no one believes that i am shy. God was prepping me to move to a new country and new language. no one here believes that i am shy either. my german is horrid but i speak anyway. i recently shared the gospel with a woman while i was in the hospital. my horrid german was enough to share my testimony. reach out, you have no idea where God will take you.
Maggie, thank you for sharing your experiences. Isn’t it amazing that we can have that kind of sisterhood all around the world, and that if we will turn to the Lord he will bless us in our own individual needs, no matter where we go or what we are doing. Thanks again and have a great day!
I am definitely with you on the 100%. The Visiting (and Home) Teaching programs are the best — definitely divinely inspired. So grateful to be a part of it. Your ideas are wonderful and will make Visiting Teaching all that much more enjoyable. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!
Cherie, thank you for your kind comment. I am go glad that you are on board with me, it makes me want to do more when I know that someone else is doing it too!
These are adorable! Thanks so much for sharing them!
You are welcome. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comment. I appreciate your support.
Thanks for linking up at Show Me Your Plaid Monday’s!
So cute! Thanks for sharing. Definitely need to use this for this month :)
Thanks so much for linking up at Artsy Corner!
hello !… je recherche des freebies sur le net pour les partager, pour l’instant sur pinterest, en attendant l’ouverture de notre propre site, et j’adore vos créations !… merci de les partager avec autant de gentillesse… si vous voulez voir ce que nous faisons, c’est là : (de nombreux autres boards sont consacrés aux freebies)
Thank you so much for this, I was going to try and attempt to make my own hand out, but yours is SO much cuter than anything I could do. What program do you use to create in? I’ve got photoshop, but I’ve been wondering if there is a software that’s less complex – mostly meaning time consuming? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
The program that I use is called Scrapbook Max and it is very user friendly. It is kind of a process to install the images, but once you figure it out it is easy to do.
Thanks for these darling vt aids…I have spent the morning trying to find some that are free. (Things are really tight right now!) I was delighted to find your darling handouts. Thanks so much for your service to all of us who are “computer-challenged”!
You are welcome. I am so glad that you can use one of my ideas! Thanks for taking the time to comment, I love hearing from you.
Thank you so much for the wonderful handout. My mom and I use them and love them. You make us look so organized and creative. Thanks!
I just want to tell U how much I appreciate the VT handouts that you R so nice to share with everyone. I look forward each month for your handouts! I love your website!
Zora, thank you so much for your kind comment! I appreciate your sweet support!