Well…it is time once again for the visiting teaching handout for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have the Oct 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout ready to go!
Each month the lesson comes from “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”. This month’s lesson is titled: “The Family is Ordained of God”.
I chose to use the quote from Elder L. Tom Perry and the “Consider This” question on the handout.
And I used a Halloween Theme because…October is Halloween!
Here is the blank card:This is perfect for those that would like to translate, or for those of you that need a fun Halloween card, invite, or handout! But please, these are for personal use only!
Since all of the messages this year are centered around the family, I thought it would be fun to make a tag to tie onto a bag of Muddy Buddies!
Here is the blank tag. To print as a jpeg, right click over the image and go to “save image as” then save in a folder. You can print from there or send it out to your favorite photo processing center.
For those of you that would like the PDF download, just click on the links below:
These are all formatted to a 4 x 6 size. If you are having trouble printing them the right size, make sure your printer settings are set to 4 x 6 paper.
I made a fun Halloween Muddy Buddy recipe. There are all kinds of recipes out there in Pinterest land, but the one that I used is from Your Cup of Cake. This recipe has the white powdered pieces and the brownie powdered pieces! I added Halloween M&M’s and candy corn, but you could also add peanuts, pretzels, mini Reese’s PB cups, or Reese’s pieces! Let your imagination go wild! You could also give a cute little pumpkin with a bow on it or any fun Halloween or October treat or decoration!
So that is my Oct 2016 Visiting Teaching Handout. Just remember it is the visit that is important…not the handout! Make sure the sisters you visit know how much you love and care about them!
Happy Visiting This Month!
The images for these handouts are from “justsoscrappy.com”, from the “Bewitching” collection. They are used with a CU licence

Thanks Rita, I love getting these every month.
Debbie, you are welcome. Hope you have a great day and Happy Visiting this month!
Dear Rita,
Each month I look forward to your beautiful, clever creations.
You make me look good.
Thanks tons,
Karrie, Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment! I appreciate your sweet words and your support. I am glad that I can help make you look good…it wasn’t hard at all! :) Hope you have a great day and Happy Visiting this month!
I am the least crafty person on this planet, so thank you SO much for these great handouts every month… :-)
Cheryl, You are welcome. I love it when someone can use one of my ideas! Hope you have a great day and happy visiting!
i am sop grateful for your craftyness and insight for these messages. I never have been able to think of something so cute, but I am a good copier. Thank you for your help!
Msureen, You are welcome! Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate your kind words and sweet support. Hope you have a wonderful day!
What a great message and done in such a cute way!! Thanks so much for the time and talent it took to make them! You’re awesome :)
Beckie, Thank you for your kind words. I love it when someone can use one of my ideas…so thanks for making my day! Hope you have a great day and Happy Visiting this month!
You are such a wonderfully talented lady!! Thank you so much for sharing these amazing items with so many!! I always make several extra cards and use them as postcards for members who need a true “Hello” during the week!! Please know you are truly APPRECIATED!!
Norma, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I love that you are making extra cards and truly going the extra mile by helping others! You are the BEST! Hope you have a great day.
Amen to all of the comments above! You are the best. I appreciate being able to get on your website at the beginning of the month and you always come through with your adorable handouts. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Kathy, You are welcome. Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I appreciate all of the support and I am happy when someone can use one of my ideas. Hope that you have a great day and…Happy Visiting this month!
Wow! These are so awesome and so very much appreciated. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Joan, You are very welcome. I love it when someone can use one of my ideas! Hope you have a great day and Happy Visiting this month!
Thank you!!! I always love all of your ideas and so do the ladies I get to visit:))
Kayli, thank you so much for your kind comment. I hope that you have a great day and Happy Visiting this month!
Rita You are a doll. I love love. love your creative ideas. I look forward to your posts. Thank you so much for sharing
Allie, Thank you so much for your kind comment…it really made my day! I am thankful for thoughtful readers like yourself. I hope that you are having a good day and Happy Visiting this month.
Thank you for the beautiful handout
Nea, You are very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I love hearing from you. Hope you have a great day and Happy Visiting this month!
I am the Primary Pres in my ward and my husband is the YM Pres, between our callings, young kids of our own and busy lives in general I’ve really struggled with getting my VT done the way I want to. It’s been a prayer of my heart to find a way that helped me show the sisters I’m thinking of them but not make me feel even more overwhelmed by all there is to do. Thank you so much for sharing your talents and making it easy for me to give a sweet and thoughtful monthly reminder of our many blessings!
Lee, Thank you so much for your kind comment! It made my day. I am thankful that someone can use one of my ideas to make their day just a little bit easier. Thanks for all the service that you and your husband give, may you have the Lord’s blessings!
Thanks you are awesome!
Cindy, You are very kind! Thanks for taking the time to write your sweet comment. Hope you have a great day and Happy Visiting this month!
Thanks. I love your ideas. They add to the message to be given.
Marcia, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I love it when someone can use one of my ideas. Happy Visiting!
Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent creating these adorable monthly visiting messages! I know the ladies we visit enjoy receiving them. May I ask what program you use to create everything?
Thanks again!
Gaye, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. The program that I use most of the time is called Scrapbook Max. I have also used my Silhouette program for some of the things. I buy most of my images from Just so Scrappy and I have a CU license to use them on the blog. Hope this helps!
Thank you!!!!
Thank you! I printed these and my ladies loved them! XO
Lolly Jane, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your kind comment. I love it when someone can use one of my ideas…so thanks for making my day!
Thank you for sharing your amazing talents with us Sisters around the world! I love your handouts! They are wonderful!
Lisa, You are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to write your kind comment. I love hearing from you!