My husband and I just got back from our annual trip to Sunny Arizona! We go every year for Spring Training Baseball, well at least that is what we say we go for, but we pack a whole lot more into this trip than just baseball! My number one favorite reason for going this time of year is for the beautiful sunny skies! It is always so warm and wonderful every year when we go and I love just soaking in all of that gorgeous sunshine. It does make it a little difficult to come home when everyone back home (Utah) says that it is snowing again, but after a glorious 10 days we did decide to come back! :)
We started off our trip by going to Las Vegas for two days. We had show tickets for Celine Dion and she still does a fantastic show after 20 years! It was amazing and she still looks fantastic.
The next day we went out to Primm to the outlet mall. I love the Williams and Sonoma Store, I could just browse around that store for hours ( I know, I’m weird!) Here are a few of my favorite finds in this store:
I can’t wait to use some of these fun products, I am going to make my strawberry shortcake in this new individual basket pan! I think that they are going to be so cute! I may even have to learn to use curd, because that would be delicious as a filling in these also! I got the cupcake corer to make filled cupcakes. Ever since Hostess has gone out of business, my husband has been craving Twinkies and the filled Cupcakes, so I will have to give my hand a try at replicating them! I got a lemon zester that I have been wanting for quite some time now and I love my green silicone spoon! Last but not least, I got a chopping knife. My husbands says that I watch the “Pioneer Woman” cooking show too much, but she has a knife like this that she uses in almost every show and who doesn’t want to be like the Pioneer Woman!
We then went on to the Peoria and Surprise, Arizona area. We were able to see 4 baseball games. It is good to have my husband tell me who everyone was and what teams have traded them and who was trying to make the team and who had already made the team! I felt like a real baseball pro!
And enjoy all of that glorious sunshine and just being outside in shirtsleeves and capris!
We went to the Arizona Broadway show and saw the “Buddy Holly Story” . The music was really good, but after just being at the Celine Dion show, it was a bit of a let down on the props and lighting etc. I know that is not fair to compare. They are not even in the same ballpark! We also went to a play house in Mesa and saw ‘Butch Cassidy and the Sunburnt Kid.” It was a cute little comedy and they just use some of the local people for these productions. It was a fun little night out!
During our trip, my sweetheart of a husband took me on my own personal “Quilt Shop Hop!”
I googled quilt shops in every one of the surrounding towns and he mapped out where to go and between his map skills and my i-phone we were able to go to THIRTEEN quilt shops! :) Oh happy day!
I have one store in Mesa that I have loved for years. It was a scrapbook store for a long time and when I had my scrapbook store I would always go and visit this store. They have great ideas and I always get some inspiration! It is called, “Scrapbooks Etc.” A few years ago, they turned half of the store into a quilt shop, Oh my… was I in heaven!
I found another shop this year that I totally fell in love with, it is called “Cabbage Rose” quilt shop. This store is on Dobson and it is absolutely adorable. I had been looking for a particular fabric and guess what… she had it! But this little shop is chock full of ideas and inspiration, including all of these darling dishtowels that she had hanging up behind the counter! So cute!
My own personal “Quilt Shop Hop” was so fun. I got so many fun ideas and projects and I have to thank my husband for being such a good sport about it all! He is such a gem, I think that I will keep him… for a really long time! :)
I have some fun new projects to work on now, can’t wait to get started! The first one that I am going to start on is this one, because it will take me several months to complete. Each block is a stitchery and it will match my Christmas redwork quilt that I put on my bed during the holidays!
The pattern shows it as blue, but I will do it all in red! What do you think?
My husband and I look forward to this annual trip and it is so fun to be together and just to enjoy spending time together! Thanks honey for such a fun time! You are the best travel friend a girl could ever ask for!
Do any of you have a fun place that you like to go, or a tradition that you do with your family?
Spring break is next week, so maybe we will be able to make some more fun memories with our family!
Well I guess it is back to the old salt mine for now! :-) But at least I have some great memories to get me through!
Have a happy day! Love Ya!

Well Rita I would have enjoyed everything on your trip! Our youngest son played college baseball so we do love baseball. Celine Dion, Williams and Sonoma and quilt shops. Does life get any better?? I think not. Thanks for the fun post.
What a wonderful trip you had to Arizona, and to go on your very own personal Quilt Shop Hop is the icing on the cake. Thanks for sharing.