We were able to get our cabin all put back together from the fire and the flood, just in time for my craft retreat this weekend. (Sometimes it helps to have a deadline that you are working for!) The new carpet was installed on Monday and we arrived on Thursday! The ladies were all kind enough to help me put a couple of the beds back in the right place and do a quick little clean-up.
We started the weekend with a shopping trip to World Market and a couple of other places, then we had dinner at Cafe Rio, a favorite of everyone! After dinner we drove up to our cabin. There were 6 of us and we had a great time over the course of the next two days getting to know each other. We crafted, we ate, we talked, we laughed, we ate, we crafted some more and just had a great overall time.
This is what the loft looked like most of the weekend. We were painting, sewing, paper crafting and doing vinyl! We were able to complete 5 different projects in one day! It was pretty much a marathon, but such a fun one! We started Friday morning right after breakfast and ended at about midnight! With only a couple of breaks in between.
Here is a sampling of what we did. Everyone was able to complete all of these projects! I will give more details of each of the projects in future posts. We made the darling stuffed owls, a vinyl charger plate, 4 different seasonal banners along with the stands, the stenciled pillow, and a file folder memory book!
This was our fun little group, (minus me of course, I am the photographer).
This is such a fun weekend, and I try to do it every year. No one knows what are project are until we all get here and it is like Christmas when all the projects are revealed! I love the creativity of all these girls!
Thanks everyone, for a great weekend and for all the fun memories and friendships that were made!
One craft weekend down and one more craft night to go! I still need to get ready for another craft night for our Relief Society, but I feel pretty good about my preparation for that.
When I got home on Saturday, I went out to check the peaches on my peach tree and they were ripe! So I picked all of them and this morning I am bottling them! UGH! I do not love bottling, but I do love the end result, so I have to do it! :)
Have a great day everyone! Love Ya!
Keep in touch…Like on Facebook and Pinterest!

Looks like you had a great time!
Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!
Do you have patterns or anything for what you made?? The owl’s are GREAT!!
Some of them are coming in future posts.
I’m loving an entire craft weekend! I did a craft party with all of my friends here http://www.thechildatheartblog.com/2013/09/how-to-host-craft-partyand-not-spend-ton_13.html
I would love to make it last longer like you did. Ya’ll made such cute stuff…it’s all so great…very talented group of ladies
how much fun! Sounds like a dream weekend to me and I love the wonderful results! I know you all left with great memories and a seriously wonderful sense of accomplishment!
I cannot wait to find out how to make the owl. Such adorable crafts you girls made. How fun and how special. I would love to get a crating group going here in South Texas. I will be watching for your future posts. Thanks so much for all your printables and DIYs.
Patti, you should get a group together, it is so much fun. We only had six of us and it was perfect, there were 2 to a group and each group came up with a craft to make. We set our price at $10 a craft. Each group was responsible for the supplies to make 6, one for each of us. That way everyone had to help bring a craft and everyone went home with 3 crafts. One group had two different crafts in their group (that would have been my group!) I also provided the supplies for anyone that wanted to make a file folder memory book as a little bonus. So that is why there were 5 crafts that everyone went home with. It is so much fun to see what everyone comes up with and when you divide it up among everyone, you also divide up all the work! Let me know if you do this, I would love to hear about it!