This summer my youngest son and I went to a boutique/yard sale during our town celebration. We spied a fun ice cooler, but neither one of us bought it…until my son went back and snatched up this cutie:I would have left it the way it was, (because I am a Coke-aholic) but he wanted to do an Ice Cooler makeover! He and his wife built a new house and just moved in a couple of months ago. They have a gorgeous patio and he wanted this to go out on the patio for when they have parties. His favorite team is the Pittsburgh Steelers, so can you take one guess as to what his make-over was???
If you guessed the Steelers…you are right! I actually love the way that it turned out. He took it all apart and painted the different colors. We made some vinyl letters with the name and found a logo, so he painted several layers of paint to get all of the different colors! I think that he did a great job. He asked me to distress the edges because he had never done that and so I did that, but he did all the rest! (His wife said the he is definitely my son, because he knew exactly what he wanted and he did it!)
I think that he did a great job! It is perfect for their patio!
I love that this has a bottle opener with a box to catch the caps! It is lined on the inside with a cooler, so all you have to do is add some ice and you are ready for the party! This will be great for all their outdoor parties.
They have a beautiful patio:They are just finishing up all the landscaping. They have some really fun features in their back yard such as:
A fun putting green,
And a Bocce game. I have not learned how to play this yet, but I am going to! :) I love the hanging lights down the side!
They also have is fun, relaxing water feature. So now that their back yard is all done, they will be able to put this great Ice Cooler Makeover cooler to good use!
I love that my son has a great eye for DIY projects and that he likes to do them too. It is fun to have someone else to share in your hobbies!
Thanks for Visiting…Hope you have a great Weekend!