Today I have the fun little Baby Boy Quilt that I quilted on my trip to Canada! This was a simple quilt to put together.
I did not have a pattern…just cut out 5.5″ squares and put them in a design and added a couple of borders.Decided to buy a half a yard of each of these fabrics because I did not have a pattern, so I did not know how much fabric I would need.
Luckily, I have enough fabric left over to make another quilt! (Except for the back)
All of the fabrics are a soft, cuddly flannel.The pattern is just a staggered diagonal. This was simple to lay out and to sew. I sewed each row, then sewed the rows together. I added a 2″ gray polka dot stop border and a 4″ navy blue outer border.
There are 6 blocks across and 8 rows down.Here is a close-up of the quilting. This quilt is quilted with a pantograph pattern. A pantograph is a paper pattern that you “trace” with a laser light.
You put the pattern on the back of your quilting machine and you quilt the quilt from the back side!
I loved trying out this technique of quilting…you can tell that this was my first attempt, but it was fun learning it!With a blue back and blue thread, my quilting does not show up too much! And that is how I planned it! :)
My cousins said I need to use the bicycle experiment…which is, if you are riding by on a bicycle and can see a mistake in your quilting, you need to unpick it. Otherwise, no one else is going to notice your mistakes! I like that experiment!
I need to thank my cousins one more time, for showing me how to do a pantograph. This technique is definitely something I want to try again!So this is my Baby Boy Quilt. I have one done and one more to go! These will be great to donate at Christmas time to one of the local hospitals!
Have you ever made a quilt with no pattern? They are pretty liberating because there are no rules!
Thanks for Visiting Today! Hope you are having a wonderful Monday!

Beautiful, as always. You must have quite a stash of fabric. LOL I don’t quilt, (other than printed wall hangings) but I would love to learn how to do that free motion stitching. Now see, if we lived closer, I could come over and watch over your shoulder. :0)
(I have this site if I ever buy another wall hanging.)
Bev, I really do not have a great stash of fabric. I try to only buy what I am going to use. I do have a few quilt kits that I have stashed up, but I don’t have a lot of yardage just sitting around. I do my quilting on my big quilting machine, not on my sewing machine. I have never quite learned how to do the free motion on the regular sewing machine. Thanks for the link, I will check it out! :) Craftsy has a lot of great tutorials!
Hi Rita that is an awesome quilt and perfect for boy quilts. What is the name of the pantograph you used? And the size of the main squares? 5″? Great job and can’t wait to see more :-).
Effie, I am not sure of the name of the pantograph, it belongs to the group that my cousins are involved with. But it was just stars and loops, so it was an easy pattern to learn on! My squares are 5.5″ as stated, as well as the different width of the two borders.
Thanks Rita. Hope you have a great day :-).
Love love this quilt!! I took a picture and i am going to make it without snuggle/flannel fabric and see how it turns out. I have 6 coordinating fabrics with the Noahs Ark theme. Thanks for posting this pattern..
Cheryl, I love that you are going to make a Noah’s Ark quilt. That sounds absolutely darling! This is an easy pattern to put together and it would be great for any matching fabrics that you have. Good luck!
Would you be able to list the fabric names? I love these and really would like to find the exact fabrics!!
Teela, I made that quilt last year and I did not save the names of the fabric, I am sorry. It is all flannel fabrics, I don’t know if you could google it?
Thank you so much for your reply either way!! It’s a beautiful quilt!
What was the final size of the quilt? I’m going to make one for a friend and love this idea! Just need an idea on final size so I can get backing at the same time. Thank you!
Tawni, Mine ended up about 40 x 50″, but you can make your quilt any size that you want by adding or taking away the borders and changing the size of the blocks.
I love this quilt and would like to make one for #5 Great Grand Daughter arriving in April.
Nancy, Sounds darling!! Good luck with your project!
I have just come across your beautiful quilt.My girlfriend and I say….if you can’t see it from the road it’s all good.
Teresa, I like that saying!!! Thanks for the reminder. Hope you have a wonderful day!
I’m making 5 lap quilts for a lady who recently lost her husband in an accident. I’m making them from his dress shirts, and she’s going to give them to her children. This will be perfect for one of them!
Trudi, Thank you so much for sharing your story! I think this is a wonderful service that you are giving! Good luck with all of your quilts!
Love your quilt Rita, simple but so effective. Thankyou for sharing, and thankyou for sharing ‘the bicycle experiment ‘ lol . I seriously need to do this.
Soni, Thank you for taking the time to write you kind comment. I appreciate your sweet words. “The bicycle experiment” is the best! :) Hope you have a great day!
I love this quilt, it’s beautiful! I have a grandson due the end of April, I really want to make it. Can you tell me how many squares you made? How many to cut vertically and horizontally?
Thank you,
I’m sorry, I see that you put that down.
Judy, Good luck with your quilt!
Love this quilt but wonder how many different fabrics you used. It’s hard to tell from the picture but I’m thinking 6
Suzanne, Yes, I used 6 different fabrics. If you look at the second picture in this post, you can see how I arranged them all. Thanks for taking the time to write your comment. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Love this quilt but wonder how many different fabrics did you use. It’s hard to tell from the picture but I’m thinking 6
How much do you charge to make a quilt for a gift
Lori, I am sorry, but I only do quilts for my own personal reasons. I do not sell my quilts…I usually link to a pattern or some other source for fabrics etc. Hope you can find someone that does! Have a wonderful day.
What is the size of the quilt