Today I would like to show you my Primitive Garden Quilt Label and introduce you to the sweet lady that quilted this quilt!I knew that for this label I wanted to do a little bit of wool applique to match the front of the quilt. So, some little red poppies were perfect to do the trick!
The idea of documenting your quilt is new to me. But I love this concept, with any of your handmade quilts! This particular quilt is an heirloom quilt that I hope will be in my family for years to come…so I for sure wanted it to be documented.
I put the date, my name, who quilted the quilt, the pattern name and a little bit more information about this quilt. Now anyone who sees this quilt can know where it came from and a little bit about it and me!
I wrote the information on the block before I did the applique. That way, if you mess up your writing, you can start over with a new piece of fabric!
My handwriting is not the best, but it is me!
Next, I appliqued the wool flowers and leaves on the block and did the embroidery work. Then the red border was sewn on the edges and the entire label was hand stitched to the back of the quilt!
I am over the moon about this quilt. You can see the the full quilt here.
I have also done a paper pieced label that was fun. Check it out: Paper pieced label
This quilt took me two and half years to complete and so I did not really dare quilt it myself.
I have a long-arm quilting machine, but still consider myself a beginner when it comes to my quilting abilities!
So, therefore, I decided to send this quilt out to be quilted. I took it to Corn Wagon Quilt Company in Springville.
This is the sweet lady that quilted my quilt.
Her name is Ramona Sorensen.
She works at the Corn Wagon Quilt Co. in Springville, UT. She is an amazing quilter and she was so very sweet and kind to me. I went downstairs to thank her and she visited with me for about a half an hour!
We talked about quilting and I told her I had a long arm machine. Then she asked me a couple of questions and proceeded to give me a mini lesson in quilting!!! :) She helped me with a couple of questions that I had been wondering about and also showed me how to quilt leaves and hearts! I even had a piece of paper to take home with some patterns on them for me to practice on my white board!
Here is a close-up so you can see some of the details in the quilting. Ramona outlined all of the appliques and then did a different pattern in every block! So Cute!
What a sweetheart she is!!
Thanks Ramona!So, that is my Primitive Garden Quilt Label and the introduction to the sweetest quilter ever!
Thanks for Visiting! Hope you have a Happy Day!

What did you use to write your label with?
Brenda, You can use any marker, as long as it is permanent ink. The brand that I used for this particular label was a Micron pen. I have several different pens and I just try them out on a sample piece of fabric to see which one I like the best! Just make sure the pen says permanent ink.
My mothers maiden name is Yates. I hope we ate related…Debbie Camp.
Debbie, What is your Mother’s name? Where is she from?
Rita, your quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I am so glad you were able to finish it. I am not a quilter or should I say never tried my hand at it! I will delight in looking at your projects and thank you so much for sharing.